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White noise.

White noise and the burning hot mug in my hands. I didn't feel the pain, honestly. It was nothing to what happened a few hours prior.

I sat on the couch in the apartment, pajama bottoms and a sweatshirt on, Namjoon's sweatshirt, to be precise. It was big, it covered, everything. Everyone who bustled around me were in suits and dresses. But the majority of them were men, so it didn't really matter.

Jimin and Jungkook sat beside me, thankfully. Jungkook hasn't left my side since what happened. He's such a nice kid, and I really needed it as well.

Lawyers, that's who were in the apartment. Lawyers and police and Bang and not an ounce of quietness. Everyone was arguing, pacing. Taehyung was stood behind me, and when I had glanced back at him, he had his arms crossed, glaring at anyone who walked past me.

"Taehyung." I turned around and rested my hand on his crossed arms. "You can sit down."

"I'm standing." He glanced down at me before going back to analyzing everything. "I need to be able to deck someone if needed."

"I can get you a water-"

"I'm fine Nabi." Taehyung grabbed my hand and held it tightly, locking eyes with me. "Please relax. You're protected now, I promise."

I smiled sadly, tears welling in my eyes. "Thank you." I whispered and turned forward again, taking a sup of the hot chocolate in my mug, the heat no longer bothering me.

"Is it good." Jin sat on the coffee table in front of me, he the maker of my drink. "It's homemade, but I can always make something else."

"It's delicious Jin, thank you." My voice shook, Jin's flashing, Namjoon sitting in front of me, just for a second. Namjoon would always make me hot chocolate when I had a bad day...

"You know, Namjoon was the best story teller." I looked side to side at Jimin and Jungkook, smiling softly to lighten the mood for the younger ones. "He could create these worlds so easily, no wonder his IQ was so high." They chuckled softly, remembering the days he wasn't so bright in his head. "My favorite when we were younger was the one of our dog talking. He would have us get captured by witches!! And at the last moment before we got our toes eaten, Zeus came and saved the day!!"

I smiled widley, excitement filling my voice as Jungkook and Jimin eagerly stared at me, waiting for more. "Zeus could drive cars you know." We all laughed, Taehyung chuckling from behind me. "That's how he got to us so quickly. He would steal our parents' car and break every road law there is just to get to us." Jungkook leaned his head on my shoulder as I watched Jin look away, blinking away his tears. "The plot was different of course, but he knew my favorites were when Zeus saved us."

"He always knew how to make everyone smile." Jin sat up, his eyes glossy. "Like you."

"Do you, do you have a Namjoon hug, like he does?" Jimin tugged on my sleeve lightly, tears openly falling down his face. "Can we try, and , see if you have his hug too?"

Jin held out his hand for my mug, me giving it gently before turning to Jimin. "Come here Jimin." I opened my arms, Jimin falling into me, clinging to me tightly. I hugged him tightly, wrapping my head around his, hugging him with my whole body, hoping I was like Namjoon.

"It is." Jimin sobbed, grabbing my sweatshirt in fistfuls. "She has the Namjoon hug."

Immediately after, Jungkook latched onto my back as well, hugging me tightly. Jin sat the mug down and kneeled in front of us, wrapping his arms around all three of us, closing his eyes once he laid his head on Jimin's back.

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