Chapter 8

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Now that the Saviors were gone, everyone was cleaning up and Olivia was taking an inventory. You walked out of the house with the radio on your hip. An internal battle goes on in your head.

Should I tell Rick? What's going to happen from here? Do you want to be with Simon? Oh, God. What if Negan does find out? I don't wanna be his wife. I don't wanna be anywhere near him. Fuck.

Rick walks up, "Hey, Y/N." he sighs. "Hey," you reply, standing in front of him. "Listen, I'm sorry I snapped at ya a little bit earlier. It's just, I don't want-" he starts.

"I understand. Don't worry about it, Rick. From now on I'll try to contain my sassiness." you say.

Rick chuckles and looks down, "Where'd ya get the radio?" he asks. You look down, "Can we talk for a moment? Alone." you ask.

He nods and you both walk to your home. "What's up?" Rick asks. You sigh and sit on the arm of your sofa, "Listen, Rick. I don't know what's gonna happen in the future but.." you pause and look down.

"Does this have anything with that Simon guy?" he asks. You look up and nod. "What's going on, Y/N?" Rick asks a little stern.

"Simon gave me this radio so that we could communicate. Simon wants to try and repair what we had," you say. "What did you guys have?" Rick asks.

"We were together before the world ended. I thought it was just a purely sexual relationship but he started to get feelings for me. It wasn't until the betrayal I thought had happened that made me realize that I had feelings for him too." you say.

"What betrayal?" Rick inquires. "Well, when the military was intervening, Simon said that when he tried to come back for me, the military wouldn't allow him back in my neighborhood because of the evacuation. Before he told me that, I thought he had just left me behind," you said.

"Right. So, what is gonna happen between you two?" he asks. "I think he wants to try and spark things that we had before. It'll probably turn bad." you say to him. "Does Negan know?" Rick asks. "No, and I hope he doesn't ever find out. If he does, I hope it doesn't happen too soon." you reply.

"What do you think would happen if he ever found out?" Rick asks. You sigh, "Simon said that Negan finding out would just make everything worse. He told me that Negan is damn near smitten for me, I guess. Which I don't exactly doubt." you say. You and Rick sit in a moment of silence. "Anyways, Simon gave me the radio so that we could meet up. But we're also gonna use it so I know when the Saviors are coming so I can hide it. But it's not gonna be every time."

Rick sighs at you, "I don't know if I like that, Y/N. Especially if one of the others found out, it would be bad." he says to you. You look down and nod, "Yeah. But I wanna see what happens. I promise, Rick. I'm not gonna let anything happen to Alexandria or anyone in it." you tell him.

Rick nods, "I admire you, Y/N. I mean, ever since you got here, you've done so much to help us. I've never really thanked you for it, either." You smile at him, "Don't worry about it, Rick. It's hard not to be appreciative of people nowadays." you say.

Rick nods, "Yeah. Well, if that's all." he says. You stand, "Yeah, that's it. I just wanted to let you know what was going on." Rick nods and heads to the door. "Thanks, Y/N. Be safe, though." he says as he leaves your home.

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