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Hashirama was hesitating whether he'd leave with Madara that he.. very much wanted, or he'd go back in and "enjoy" his night with bunch of uninteresting people.

- Don't drive too fast, I hate speed.
- You're stepping in a Bugatti, can't promise you that.
- I'm serious, I might actually vomit in your $15. Million car.
- Okay so no speed, gotcha.

Hashirama got in, and Madara drove off.
that was the moment when Madara kinda...

- Oh my god.
- What what? Is there a problem with your car? Your brakes don't work? ARE WE GONNA DIE?
- ?????
- ????????????!!!!!!!!
- NO?! Just WHERE the f*ck did that Hollywood ass scenario come from??
- Then don't just say "oh my god" out of blue what the heck?
- I cannot even talk the way I want in my own car?
- Yeah yeah, as if it depended on where you are. You talk your the way you want anyways.
- Oh, still upset?
- Oh yes.
- Then why come with me?
- I don't know, why the hell did you invite me?

Well, little did he know that that's exactly why Madara had panicked a little just now.
Madara basically hated the guy, yet he had already eaten him up from belly to face.
And he didn't even know how to explain it to his own self. He was lost, not knowing how did they end up here.

- I'm confused.

He said all of a sudden.

- Confused? - Hashirama asked confused too.
- Yeah, now that you ask me why I invited you, I...
- ...?
- I really don't know. Hell, I'm not even that much into men.
- Neither am I, but sorry I had to kiss you back then, it was kinda too much.
- So you kiss every guy who comes a bit closer to you? Pffft.
- "a bit"? My nipples still aching lol

It was supposed to be a joke, and it was, until Hashirama got his response.

- Well, do you want me to do something about that?
- * BLUSH *
- Ahahahahha, I never get tired of you getting so red SO FAST! Is that some talent?
- S-shut up! Idiot!
- Careful, here comes a little bump.
- I had imagined you living in a house? Like a big worldwide celebrity with 3 Vilas and 12 horses. But i guess the Bugatti owner must live in a Penthaus then.
- Well well, look who's been imagining images of me, tsk tsk..
- Yeah yeah, as if I haven't landed on your thoughts, don't tell bullshit now.
- Of course I thought of you too after we met. the only difference between our thoughts of each other is that I was imagining how i'd beat you up for good and throw you off the cliff.
- No worries I thought way worse than that.

They were having fun chitchatting.
Once Madara parked the car, he leaded to his apartment, which was on top of th building. And the whole space over the top belonged to him and him alone.

- Holy fuck.
- I know right?
- Alone? You wanna tell me that you live in this most definitely huge ass apartment alone?
- No, with my wife and kids.

Hashirama stopped.

- Oh my god it's a freakin' joke.
- Even by looking at it from outside I can already tell how huge it must look from the inside too.

Once they got to the door of his apartment, Madara's heart started to beat faster, while Hashirama was already having his heart attacks.

- H-hey..

Hashirama mumbled while Madara opened the door.

- Yeah?
- ....
- Ah, silent mode again. What do you want to ask, if i have some sex toys? Because i have to disappoint you and say no.
- What else then?
- ... have you ever.. done this with.. you know, a m-man..?
- No, have you?
- Same, just wanted to know okay? It's a big deal. For me, anyways.
- Well, let's tell each other how it felt tomorrow morning then ~
- W-wh-wh-wh-
- there you go again, blushing and stuttering as soon as the topic gets intimate by 1%.

He went closer to Hashirama.

- You know,

Already red Hashirama was just standing still, unable to move an inch since he was locked in Madara's indirect gaze. Because Madara was only looking at Hashirama's lips and neck.

- I could swear to god that you were the first person that I actually wanted to punch.
- W-wow, what a time to bring that u-
- The day you humiliated my pride, was the day i wasn't on my right mind afterwards. I was thinking, and thinking, and thinking..

The gap between them was closing up by every sentence Madara spoke.

- And then I thought.. "It's his luck that I'm never gonna see him again."
Then again, when I heard that you were gonna be there too today, and when i heard Butsuma was your father.. I didn't want to come. Although i pretended to be tough m, the one who won't back up, i really didn't want to cone.
- W-why are you telling me all this..?

Hashirama was up against a table, again... and Madara was leaving no space for him.

- I was hoping that I wouldn't meet you. yet you were there in front of me. i hadn't even stepped in or said my first hello to anybody, and i was already stuck with you.

Madara was softly holding onto Hashirama by his bow and pulling him to his side face to...
Kiss his cheek.

- I had to walk around with you, had to listen to your silly silly speeches again and again..

His voice was deep, carefully deep. And this made it too hard for Hashirama to take. His heavy breath was landing on Madara's face - and other way around.

- I was annoyed, and sometimes, one thing i do when I'm annoyed is..

And he slid his five fingers upon Hashirama's thigh, then upon his groin, and then he squeezed the whole package.

- n-ngh! - a slight moan slipped away from Hashirama's moistened lips.
- So when you annoyed the hell out of me, all I wanted was to give you a taste of my right fist, and hit some random stripclub, *chuckles* little did i know I'd get one right there, right then - And on the last word, he strengthened his grip down there, and kissed Hashirama's neck.

" It all started with the hate "Where stories live. Discover now