Chapter 34

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As soon as I hit the ground, I saw the Orcs coming over the side of the hill to the East.  Leading them was Arzog.  I snarled as I slashed through the first Orc.  For some reason, I know I shouldn't be here, but this was a lot better than facing Thorin and his foolishness.

Up until we reached the mountain, he'd always been so kind and gentle.  Somehow, I knew he was still there, even if his behavior was off.  I felt the anger burn inside me as I compared the Thorin from last night to the one who was hiding inside the mountain.  Without warning, I shifted into a huge wolf tore through the Orcs, taking my anger out on them.

*Thorin's Pov-

"We have to go down there!"  I shook my head at Filli, who was searching the battle below us for Skyrena.

"No...  This is not our fight."  Balin's jaw dropped.

"But, Skyrena's down there!  She is our queen..."  I turned to face him, anger flaring inside me.

"And I am your king!"  Everyone backed off a bit.  I sighed and looked down towards the battle, remembering everything Skyrena had said and wondering why I never had listened.

What she had requested always made sense, but I never could see the wisdom in her words.  Now, in her anger, she was down there somewhere, fighting off the Orcs.  I felt something snap inside me as I took off into the halls.  I knew I'd been foolish, and Skyrena was out there because of me.  I shook my head as all sorts of thoughts raced through my head.  Eventually, it all came 'round to everything Skyrena said about me or our situation.

Suddenly, I felt as though I had just woken up.  I took the crown from my head and pitched it across the room.  I started towards my chambers and changed from the rich, flowing robes to my old travel clothes.  Heading back out, I saw the others fiddling with their weapons.  Killi stood and shook his head.

"I'm tired of hiding from the fight, Thorin.  It's not in my blood to hide from a fight that is rightfully ours while our friend and queen is out there, fighting our battle beside our kin.  I can't stand it!"  I nodded and looked around at the others.

"You're right...  It's not in your blood."  I raised my voice so the others would hear me.  "I know I have no right to ask this of you all, but will you follow me into battle one last time?"  One by one, they all nodded.

*Skyrena's Pov-

Between avoiding the elves and killing the Orcs, I felt my energy draining quickly.  If I tried to shift, I couldn't hold the form for long, so I fought with my sword.  Around me, blades collided as mine sank into the head of one Orc while another knocked me off my feet.

As he raised his blade to my throat, I heard a huge crash.  Realizing the Orc was distracted by it, I stabbed him with one of my daggers and rolled to my feet, searching for the source of the crashing sound.  Seeing the wall at Erabor falling, I realized that Thorin was on his way.  I smiled as I saw him come running, followed by the others.

Hearing a roar, I turned and found myself face to face with an Orc.  Slicing at him, I saw another coming.  Without thinking, I leaped into the air and let them run each other through as I took off.

*Thorin's Pov-

Already, I was being overwhelmed by Orcs.  I roared in anger, trying to cut through them and look for Skyrena at the same time.  I felt as though I owed her an apology.  However, there were too many Orcs.

"Hold on, lad!"  I turned and saw Dain cut through some Orcs, coming my way.  Hearing a familiar shout, I turned to the other side and saw Skyrena battling an Orc while another snuck up behind her.  Drawing my bow, I shot the one behind her in the head and watched as she turned in surprise and looked at me.  Slicing through yet another Orc, I reached her as Dain reached me.

*Skyrena's Pov-

"Skyrena..."  I ducked as he swung his sword at an Orc on my left.  "I'm so sorry..."  Okay, this was the Thorin I knew.  Always treating a fight like it was nothing...  I drew my bow and shot an Orc in the chest before it reached us.  "I should have listened...  Duck!"  I did more than that.  Dropping to the ground, I kicked out, knocking the Orc off its feet and watched Thorin behead it.  Standing, I threw my arm back and stabbed an Orc.

"I'm sorry, too.  I should have known this would have happened."  He shook his head as he shot the Orc who grabbed me from behind.  Ignoring the splatter of blood on my face, I fired an arrow at yet another approaching Orc.  He beheaded yet another Orc, buying us some time before the next round.

"I'm the one who wouldn't listen.  You were doing what any good wife would have done.  I'm sorry I caused this!"  Dain roared in laughter.

"Can you guys talk later?  We kinda have one heck of a problem here..."  I nodded and surveyed the battlefield.  Looking to the ruins, I smirked.

"If we don't stop the Orcs, we're dead, right?"  Thorin frowned and nodded.  I pointed to the tallest ruin.  "Then, we take out their commander."  At the top stood Arzog, commanding his army.  Thorin smiled as he rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Great idea."  He raced off to find Dwalin, Filli, and Killi.  Dain smiled at me as he stabbed an Orc.

"I have a feeling we're going to get along just fine, my lady."  I laughed and climbed on the boar that Thorin rode up on.  I cringed as my stomach clenched, making Thorin frown.

"You alright?"  I nodded, and we took off.

The Shapeshifter  (A Hobbit Fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα