Chapter 10

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*Thorin's Pov-

"Skyrena!"  I'd seen her fall as an arrow embedded into her shoulder.  I started up the wall, but Gandalf stopped me as a dead Orc fell down the hole.  I picked up the arrow and examined it.  "Elves..."  I wanted to go up there and get Skyrena, but Gandalf held his grip on my shoulder.

"I'm sure she'll be just fine, Thorin."  One of my men yelled, claiming to see an opening.  I soon found myself travelling the path, but my thoughts were on Skyrena.

She'd done what she could to help us out of numerous situations, even if it just meant hunting and cooking, but she always did what she could.  The thought of her being at the mercy of elves after hearing about what the elves of Mirkwood had done to her was enough to make me sick.  I broke my train of thought when I saw Rivendell below us.  Turning to Gandalf, I tried to remain calm.

"This was your plan all along?"  Gandalf didn't respond.  "We are no friend of the elves, especially after our interactions with those from Mirkwood."  Gandalf shook his head.

"You have no enemies here except that which you bring yourself.  Now, these elves prefer courtesy, so, you will leave the talking to me."  By the time we reached the front gates of the palace, I was more worried about Skyrena than ever.  As the elf and Gandalf spoke, I turned to Balin.

"We should have gone back for her..."  He sighed.

"Gandalf did say she would be alright.  I don't see why you wouldn't believe him, laddie."  I started to respond, but I saw a host of elves riding right towards us, followed by the sound of a horn.  I tensed.

"Close ranks!"  The riders encircled us, one seeming to carry something in his lap.  When I looked closer, it was Skyrena.  The rider followed the darker haired one who approached Gandalf.  They greeted as old friends as the rider dismounted and reached for Skyrena's limp body.  I started forward towards him.

"What did you do to her?"  The elf took a look at me as he lifted Skyrena off the horse.  Passing her to the elf who had greeted Gandalf, he spoke elvish with him before addressing me.

"We thought she was a Warg...  We never thought we'd see a shapeshifter."  All around me, the others tensed.  I inched my hand to my blade.

"Did you...?"  He laughed and cut me off.

"No!  Of course we didn't kill her!  We merely saved her from being carried off by the Orcs and tended best we could to her wound.  We nicked her neck, but she'll be fine after some rest once we get the bleeding to stop."  I heaved a sigh of relief in spite of myself.  Skyrena would live...  "Anyways, I welcome you to Rivendell, Thorin Oakenshield."  Speaking some elvish, he was interrupted by Gwalin.

"Is he insulting our king?"  The others started yelling their protests as Gandalf yelled over us.

"He isn't insulting you!  He's inviting you in for dinner!"  We all settled down as Gwalin huffed.

"Well then.  Lead the way."  He followed the elves onto their balcony where they served dinner.  I found myself at the table of Lord Elrond, who wished to see our blades.  After calling them by name, he questioned us about Skyrena and how we found her.  After hearing my story, he bit his lip.

"And she has no idea what happened to her kin?"  I shook my head.  "I may have something on her race in my library."  Gandalf smiled.

"I'm sure the two of them would appreciate that very much."  I nodded, remembering how she was attacked before us.  Lord Elrond frowned at this thought, too.

"What were you doing on the main road, anyways?"  I looked over at Gandalf, who smiled.

"We were on our way to see the ruin of Dale."  He nodded and turned back to me.

"Perhaps you would like to see how your friend is fairing, yes?"  I nodded and followed him to a room down an empty hall.  Seeing Skyrena there reminded me of when she was first brought to Erabor.  She lay on the bed, looking pale and weak.  An elf hovered over her, speaking in his native tongue.  I walked over and knelt down by the bed.

"How long will she be like this?"  The elf looked down and smiled at me.

"Not long, sir.  She is healing nicely from her mishap.  She may be awake within a hour."  I smiled and brushed some hair from her face.  Looking over at Gandalf, I swallowed hard.

"I never should have let her come."  Gandalf frowned.

"Why?  She wanted to come, and she knew the danger.  If anything, the wound was just a scratch in comparison to any other injury she's received before.  There was no reason for her not to come!"  I hung my head as Gandalf continued.  "In the meantime, quit worrying about her and ask Lord Elrond about the map!"  Lord Elrond frowned.

"What map?"  I glanced over at Skyrena, who stirred slightly.

"Not yet, Gandalf.  I want to make sure she will be okay."  Gandalf rolled his eyes and walked away.  Lord Elrond and the elf followed.  I bent down and whispered in her ear.

"Skyrena?  Wake up...  Please, wake up."  She stirred and opened her eyes, looking groggy.

"Thorin?"  I smiled.

"I'm here."  She groaned and tried to roll over onto her side.  Wincing, she froze and laid back on her side.  I brushed her hair from her face as she smiled weakly at me.

"I'm sorry...  I should have warned you the other night...  The Orcs...  They were watching..."  I shook my head at her and shushed her.

"It's not your fault.  I told you not to go scouting and looking for trouble."  She shook her head.

"Someone wants you dead, Thorin...  Why?"  I kissed her forehead and huffed.

"I don't know, Skyrena, but I will find out."

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