Chapter 16

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Once it was gone, I lumbered towards the house, feeling weaker than before.  By the time I reached the door, where the dwarves stood, watching in shock, I collapsed as I shifted back.  Thorin knelt down and helped me to my feet.  I wobbled a little bit as I approached a nearby chair and sank into it.

"What was that?"  Gandalf swallowed hard.

"That was our host.  His name is Beorn.  He is a skin changer."  I jerked my head up attentively at this.  A skin changer?  "His form is that of a great bear.  As the bear, he is unpredictable, but, as a man, he can be reasoned with.  Even then, he isn't overly fond of dwarves."  He shrugged casually.  "He may help us for Skyrena's sake, now that he knows that she is among us.  Either way, we can rest easy tonight."  I nodded wearily and looked down at my side.  The bandage was bloodied clear through.  Balin and Thorin came over to check on me.

"It looks worse than before, Skyrena."  I looked down and found that I couldn't deny it.

"It's not healing...  I don't get it!"  Balin examined it carefully.

"The best we can do is bind it with fresh bandages every now and then.  Maybe clean it.  Other than that, you're on your own."  I nodded and lifted my shirt so he could clean it and bandage it.  Thorin watched carefully, looking worried.

"Why didn't you say anything before?"  I bit my lip.

"I didn't want to worry you.  It's bad enough we have the pale Orc on our trail.  The last thing we need is to worry about a simple scratch."  Balin shook his head.

"This isn't a scratch, Skyrena...  You're actually missing a piece of your side.  Luckily, it's a small enough piece that it won't do any permanent damage, but it's a good sized chuck either way.  No wonder why you're not healing as fast, especially since you keep shifting to save our hides.  At this rate..."  He gulped and looked between Thorin and I.  "...We could lose you if we can't get it cared for properly."  He finished binding it as Thorin gulped.  I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure some rest will speed up the healing, Thorin.  Also, you're not off the hook on your injury, either.  Get some sleep, Thorin.  I'll be okay."  He found some furs and wrapped one around me as I leaned back into the huge chair.

"I hope you're right, Skyrena."  He half smiled, as if for my sake.  "Get some sleep."  I nodded and closed my eyes.

*Thorin's Pov-

The sound of the door opening woke me with a start.  A huge man lumbered into the room, resembling a bear on its hind legs.  He stopped and examined the room.  Seeing Skyrena in the chair, he approached her.  I sat up and drew my blade.  His deep voice was calm.

"Put that down, dwarf..."  I stood and placed myself between Skyrena and the man, trembling.  He crossed his arms.  "You foolish dwarf.  I can smell the blood outside in the forest.  I know she's hurt."  I swallowed hard, thinking back to what Balin said, and lowered my sword a little.

"Can you help her?"  The man sighed.

"Not if I can't get through to see the nature of her condition for myself."  I stepped aside and watched the man knell down beside her.  He removed the fur and examined her side.  "How old is this wound?"  I thought a little bit.

"About one day old."  Before I could say anything, he picked her up and started to carry her into another room.  I followed.  He turned as he set her down on the giant bed.

"Go rest, dwarf.  I will take good care off her."  I shook my head.

"I'm staying, if it's all the same to you."  He shook his head.

"You fear I will harm her...  I assure you, I would never do that to my kin, even if she isn't of the same race.  Our races are kin."  I swallowed hard and looked at Skyrena.  Every passing moment brought more danger on her than the presence of this man.  Finally, I sighed.

"Can you promise me she will be alright?"  He nodded.

"She will be as long as I work to save her.  Her heartbeat is faint, and her breath grows softer by the minute."  He motioned outside.  "I promise you, I will do my best to save her.  Until then, rest, dwarf.  You will need your strength for tomorrow."  I watched as he set to work, removing the bandage.  The sight of her blood made me feel ill, so I left, as he suggested.  Balin sat up, smoking his pipe.

"The man came in?"  I nodded and lit my own pipe.  "He's helping save Skyrena?"  I nodded again.  "She's in good hands, Thorin."  I shook my head.

"I feel like this is my fault...  If only I had tried to keep her from shifting so often...  If only I had kept her out of the fight and out of danger!"  Balin rested a hand on my shoulder.

"You did what you could, laddie.  You have to remember, she was trained to be a warrior.  Her instinct is to protect her companions as well as those in need.  She is a strong creature and a smart fighter.  Even if she wasn't either, she has more courage than most in all of Middle Earth.  She's not the frightened creature we found in the woods anymore.  She's a defender."  I huffed some smoke and shook my head.

"That's what I was afraid of.  I have tried to keep my promise and protect her, but..."  I hung my head.  "I guess there are some things you can't fight, Balin.  Her race was created to fight for a cause, and that's what she does.  There's no force in this land that can keep her from fighting to defend.  It was the cause she chose long ago."  Balin nodded.

"That's what makes her worth fighting for and beside."

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