Chapter 29

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No one was to be found anywhere else but the throne room, but Thorin was in there as well, so I ran to my chambers, locked the door, and started to cry.  It just wasn't fair.  I don't know what it was that made Thorin act this way, but it killing me to see him like this.  Before long, I was all out of tears, so I decided to wander the halls.  Soon, I heard voices.

"Whatever Skyrena said, it's made him worse..."  It was Balin.  I started towards the sound, but the response from Dwalin stopped me in my tracks.

"She asked for a chance to think about...  Sent him into a rage.  I was standing right at the doorway, watching.  He grabbed her and shook her, yelling.  Then, he seemed to snap out of it and agreed to her answer.  The poor lass took off running with tears streaming down her face."  Balin sighed.

"Aye, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she knows somethings wrong.  At first, we all thought it was grief, but, now...  Now, it looks to be dragon sickness.  If we don't do something soon, I fear it will get worse."  I was absorbing what they said when they turned the corner and saw me.  Dwalin started.

"Skyrena?  I'm sorry...  We didn't see you there."  I looked over at Balin.

"Did you mean what you said about Thorin?  That, if we don't do something, he'll get worse?"  Balin sighed and shook his head.

"You heard us, didn't you?"  Without waiting for an answer, he nodded.  "Yes, unfortunately, he will."  I swallowed hard and turned away.

"Do you think...  By any chance...?"  I turned to face him.  "Would he get better if I did marry him?"  Dwalin spoke over Balin, who tried to answer.

"No, Skyrena...  What if he hurts you?"  Balin placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Skyrena, I do believe he would get better if you did.  However, I don't necessarily want you to.  Dwalin's right, though.  If I'm wrong, and he gets worse, you could get hurt."  I sniffed and sat down at the bottom of the stairs.

"I know..."  I rubbed my arms where he had grasped me, practically crushing my arms.  "But what if he does get better?  We'll never know until we try."  Balin smiled and sat down beside me.

"Let me tell you something, Skyrena.  You've proven yourself to be as brave, if not braver, than any one of us.  I trust that, whatever you decide, it's the right choice."  He looked between Dwalin and I.  "And, no matter what happens, we will stand beside you and whatever you choose to do."  Dwalin smiled as he helped me to my feet.

"Aye...  We will."  I smiled at both of them.

"Thanks, Balin...  Thanks, Dwalin."  Suddenly, Bilbo came running.

"Guys?  We have a problem...  Thorin wants to add to the wall."  I frowned and looked at Balin.

"What wall?"  He sighed and shook his head.

"Thorin saw the men of Lake Town moving to the ruins of Dale and ordered we build a wall where the gates used to be.  Already, it's over 30 feet tall, but he keeps wanting more added on."  I frowned as I thought about this.  Something was very wrong...  Finally, I knew what I had to do.

"Let's go."  Dwalin caught my arm as I tried to walk past him.

"What are you doing, lass?  This is men's work."  I smiled at him.

"I'm going to talk sense into Thorin..."  I pulled my arm free.  "That is my work."  With that, I took off towards the throne room.  When I got there, I saw, where the gates once stood, a large, rock wall stood.  Everybody, with the exception of Balin, Dwalin, and Bilbo, were there, adding to it.

"Come on!  I want this wall as large as the gates had been!"  I saw Thorin at the top, helping rebuild the wall.  Above him, I could see the sun sinking into sunset.  I swallowed hard and called out.

"Thorin!"  He turned and looked around to see who called.  "Thorin!"  He saw me and started down the wall.  Reaching me, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and beamed as he spoke.

"Isn't it grand, Skyrena?  It'll be our greatest defence!"  I smiled a little as he marvelled at it.

"Yes, Thorin...  It's nice..."  He frowned.

"It doesn't please you?  What if we made it larger?"  I shook my head.

"No, Thorin.  I think it's perfect the way it is."  He smiled and called out to the dwarves.

"Stop!  That's enough..."  The wall stood almost 40 feet, but I knew he would have built it to the roof if I had asked him.  All around, the dwarves sighed in relief and climbed down, sweaty and looking weary.  As they climbed down, Thorin smiled at me.  "So, what is your business with me?"  I swallowed hard and smiled.

"I wish to accept your offer...  That is, if it still stands."  He frowned for a second before it hit him.

"Oh, my offer for you to marry me?"  I nodded.  "Well, yes, it still stands.  I'll call for the ceremony tonight!"  He called out to the others.  "Come on!  We have some news for you!"  As soon as everyone was gathered, Thorin took my hand.  "Skyrena has agreed to let me have her hand in marriage and become your queen.  Are there any dwarves who object?"  I felt my heart pounding as I looked around.  They all either looked surprised or nodded in encouragement at me.  "Very well..."  He turned to me.  "I wish to marry her tonight.  There will be a huge feast!"  Balin stepped forward.

"Why not first thing in the morning?  That way, we all have a chance to prepare."  Thorin thought of this for a second.

"Very well...  First thing in the morning."  He kissed my hand and dismissed the others.  "Rest now...  I'll see you in the morning."  I smiled and nodded.

"Don't stay up all night, Thorin...  You need to rest as well."  With that, I walked back to my chambers and slept through the night.

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