At the Hyuga compound

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The Hyuga compound was filled with grief and sorrow. To avoid all the memories left at their home, the Uzumaki's had move to Hiashi's house, where they could accompany each other. They were all struggling, but Naruto was barely standing. The loss of his life partner had taken a huge toll on him and he was still figuring out how to process it. He was unable to leave his room, wanted to see no one and talk to no one and locked himself in his own pain.

Boruto was trying to stay strong for his sister and his father's sake, but he would also break down and seek comfort in Hanabbi's arms. He also felt directly responsible for his mother's death and the guilt was slowly taking over him. Seeing his father in such state, unable to look at him and Himawari in the eyes, paid to that feeling.

Himawari, since finding out the passing of her mother, completely withdraw and isolated from everyone; her ethereal laugh was gone and now all there was, was sadness in her eyes. She felt that she'd been abandoned by her friend and companion, and was destined to walk alone from now on, seeing how her father and brother were both so lost in their own sorrow.

By that moment, the whole village already knew about the passing of the Byakugan Princess, but there was no body to mourn or to bury. They wanted to present their respects to the family, but the Hyuga compound was sealed to pretty much everybody. Only Naruto's friends (who were also very affected by the news, specially Kiba and Shino, members of the same team as Hinata) and the senseis were allowed inside, but a huge dark cloud followed everyone everywhere they'd go.

In the meantime, Shikamaru was taking over the Hokage duties and Sasuke was invested in finding traces of Kimochi, who had not yet returned to earth and was untraceable.

He would often visit Naruto, however, not knowing what to say, he would just stay there keeping him company. He wanted to comfort Naruto, but he really didn't know how. Sasuke was familiar with loss, he'd practically lost all of his family as a child, but those were dark times for him... since then, he'd found a new family and a sense of belonging in Sakura and, later, in Sarada, his daughter. Sasuke didn't know how to comfort Naruto because he himself didn't know how he would react to losing his family again; nowadays, he could not picture his life without Sakura in it... He had always thought he'd be the one leaving her behind and not the other way around, and Sasuke was sure those were the feelings invading Naruto at the moment; he never imagined Hinata would be the one leaving him behind. Understanding that, Sasuke would just show up and sit in silent with Naruto.

Weeks passed and there wasn't news about Kimochi. One day, though, Sasuke finally sensed his chakra. He rushed over to the compound to tell Naruto.

The three of them (Naruto, Sasuke and Boruto) were always wearing the prototype the intelligence team had made for their chakras to be invisible, but after Naruto heard the news that Kimochi was back on earth, he took it off while saying:

—Let him find me!

—Naruto... are you sure that's the right decision?

—Yes. You can come if you want.

—We are no match for him ... do you want someone else to die?

—Then... why did you share this information? With what purpose? —Naruto screamed in dispair.

—I was informing the Hokage.

—I haven't been the Hogake in a while. And I don't deserve to be one. How can I save the village if I wasn't event able to save my wife? I'm unworthy of that title.

—What you are is sad. But it's enough. It's time for you to put yourself together and end this stagnation. Hinata didn't die saving you for you to become scraps of who you really are. Knowing her, as little as I knew her, I'm sure she saved you thinking that you would protect and love your kids and that your undying will would help you find the light in these troubled times. But you have not done that. Himawari is practically isolated because his mother is dead and his father is absent; and Boruto tries to stay strong, but deep down he feels so much guilt, and his father is allowing him to believe that he is responsible. Hinata made a choice to save you both in exchange for her life... but seeing what you're doing with your life is just deplorable. If Hinata saw who you are and how you're acting now, she would be embarrassed to be your wife and to love you as much as she did.

—Leave me alone, please, Sasuke. I'll put on the prototype. Just go —Naruto said whilst long, tick tears ran down his face.

Sasuke left. Naruto knew Sasuke's words were right and he remembered the conversation he'd had with Iruka-sensei few days ago.

Iruka was the only one Naruto could talk to... after all, Iruka had been his father figure since his academy days; he'd been there, supporting and loving him through everything and, by that point, they really had a strong father-son bond, so Naruto felt comfortable enough to express everything his heart was feeling. Iruka would visit him every day and the talks between the two would usually end up in Naruto crying and weeping and Iruka comforting and hugging him. He would let Naruto pour out everything he had to say and, then, he would try to lift him up... nevertheless, Iruka's words weren't enough to make Naruto stand up.

But what Sasuke just had said to him made him remember Iruka's words said in a similar tone...

—Iruka-sensei... do you know why I was always so willing to die protecting those I love? Because I was not willing to lose them. I never had a family... and every single person that became part of this family I created was so precious to me that I would sacrifice for them without hesitation... And when Hinata accepted my love... I felt complete. I felt that I finally belonged.

—Naruto... now understand those words in Hinata's feelings. She died protecting those she loved because she was not willing to lose them. Just like you, you became her family and she found her place in the love you two created.

Sasuke's wake up call made him finally understand Iruka-sensei's words and Naruto started to get some light on his feelings.

He knew they were both right... He comprehended Hinata's actions and feelings, but still, embracing the idea of his wife being gone was too much for his heart to take. And then, it hit him: he had no seen his kids in several days; he had neglected them for weeks hiding in his own pain, as if they weren't also suffering... Hinata was always the best parent, but now, he needed to stop gloating in his pain: her kids and the village needed him.

He crawled in his bed all day immersed in those thoughts, but finally came with a resolution. He knew Hinata. Sasuke, that didn't know her, was able to understand her... and him, being so clouded by his own feelings, had not tried to understand those of his wife. It was time to honor her sacrifice.

The next morning, although with difficulties, Naruto finally left his room and went over to his kids. He took Himawari out of her room and then went after Boruto, who was, as it had become a habit, hugging Hanabbi. He sat them at the table and said, with his head lowered as a sign of embarrassment and regret:

—I have not been a good father. My feelings clouded my judgement to the point that I wasn't able to see beyond my own pain and I left the two of you suffering and grieving on your own. Your mom definitely knew what she was doing and the risk of that mission, and decided to go on with it because her path was to always protect those she loved. And she did so until the day she died.

Now, it is time for us to retrieve her from Kimochi. We can't let him have her anymore. Boruto, Hima, I promise I'll get your mom home so she can rest. Boruto, please stay in the village and don't follow us. Do you agree?

—Yes, dad.

—Hima, you must stay with grandpa. We will come back. Your mom saved us for a reason and we are going to honor that reason.

—You better come back, dad... And I'm also going to honor mom's sacrifice. I'm aware now that there are more threats coming towards us and I want to be ready to fight them. I'll become a ninja and, in the future, I'll fight alongside you two.

—If that's the path you've chosen, I fully support you, Hima.

After weeks of mourning on their own, they finally came together in a hug and their tears blended to let all the pain come out. Time passed. Naruto then said:

—Now, I must go to the Hokage's office to arrange this mission.

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