Memories of the past

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After the fight with Toneri, Hinata realized that she could expand the use of her eyes. Even if after her wedding she'd strayed from the ninja path, she knew that threats would just keep coming, and she wanted to be ready for them. She wanted, she needed to be stronger to be able to protect her family.

With that in mind, she made Toneri visit her on earth (she'd placed cartels all around the globe for him to see the complete message) and asked him to be her teacher. At first, Toneri was reluctant arguing that "the moon and the earth could not be that close", but she insisted; she knew her clan had teach her everything they knew about the byakugan, so now she needed to learn from the main users; she was completely aware that Toneri was the only one that would expand her traits and help her reach her true potential. Seeing her so determined to learn new techniques, Toneri had decided to be her sensei.

—Princess Byakugan —he had said— you don't have the tenseigan and I don't think humans can awaken it. Regardless, there is this one particular technique that does not require tenseigan chakra mode; maybe you can learn that jutsu, although with less control and efficiency, and master it at byakugan level. It's the puppet-cursing sphere... Yes, the one I used on you to control you and do my will.

And so the training began. She would go up to the moon once a week to train with Toneri, without Naruto or her family knowing, fearing they would be against such pair. For Hinata, it was really hard at first. Molding chakra out of the body was not the problem, it was keeping it out in a sphere shape and infusing it with the gen needed. But after years of training, she was finally able to keep it how it was supposed to.

However, during the Momoshiki attack, she noticed that this jutsu had one mayor flaw. She had tried to use it on Momoshiki to prevent him from taking Naruto, but she couldn't because those beings were almost impossible to touch. She needed, then, to be able to transport the sphere through the air so that it could hit a moving target.

And she went back to Toneri. She explained the problem that the technique presented and told him to help her move it around without having it in her hand.

Few years had passed since the Momoshiki attack and now, she'd mastered a new and more advance jutsu, one not even Toneri was able to perform.

Hinata's deathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant