Before the storm

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"I never wanted to be a ninja. But still, it seems like this path always finds a way. I'm most likely gonna die here, but I'm fighting for what I believe and I'm fighting to protect those I love. Hima, I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye. Naruto, I didn't wanna leave you, but it seems life had this path set for me: I've defended you with my life on countless occasions, like I'm doing right now, except this time only one will live. Boruto, get stronger, you are the only one who will be able to protect everybody. I cherish you all in my heart..."

Two weeks before...

There's a meeting happening at the Hokage's office: Naruto, Shikamaru, Kakashi and Konohamaru. Everyone looks worried, they're all immersed in their own thoughts. Shikamaru interrupts the silence:

—We've been working on a new technology that would allow us to hide the chakra of those he's looking. It's based on Rō's abilities but it is enhanced so that it can work on a mighty being like him, since it's been proven that Rō's jutsu it's not sufficient to hide him from Kimochi Ootsutsuki.

—Are you sure that would be enough?

—I don't know, Naruto. As I said, we are working on it. And to probe if it works or not, Ootsutsuki needs to be around. It's all speculation. But I can assure you that I do believe it will work.

—So... when will it be ready?

—That's the problem. We need a few more days to have the prototype ready. I'm calculating two or three weeks top.

—That much? We don't have that much time —Naruto said.

And Konohamaru, exasperated, added:

—Do you think we have that much time? Ootsutsuki can attack at any minute! We need to hurry and have that ready!

—You think I don't know that, Konohamaru? Pull yourself together —Shikamaru responded.

In the corner, remaining quiet and analyzing the situation, Kakashi stood, eyes closed and one hand around his mask. After Konohamaru's outburst, he spoke, calmly but determined:

—I know we are all worried about Boruto, but we need to think this with cold head. Konohamaru, Naruto, if Shikamaru has already said that they need that much time, we can't rush it or things could go south. That means we have to take every precaution in case the attack happens before the prototype is ready. Now, to the point. He knows everything about you and Sasuke...

There was a sudden silence. Two days ago, during the first, and last, fight against Kimochi Ootsutsuki, Sasuke had fallen. He was severely injured and hadn't waken up from a coma. Sakura, lady Tsunade and the whole medical team were doing everything in their power to bring him back, but he was not responding. Kakashi understood the effect those words had in everyone around him, especially in Naruto, but kept talking:

—...that's why I wanted Konohamaru to be at the meeting. Since you and Sasuke are the strongest ninja in the world, Kimochi will think that Boruto will be with either one of you and will go after the sense of your chakras. To deceive him, we have to put Boruto under Konohamaru's watch. After all, he is the strongest after the two of you. Also, Kimochi knows nothing about him; he hasn't even sensed his chakra due to the fact that, during his first attack, Konohamaru wasn't even in the village.

Now, I know that trick won't last long, but I believe it could buy us enough time until the prototype is finished. However, when Kimochi figures out that neither you nor Sasuke have Boruto, he'll go berserk trying to find him. I'm clinging, though, to the hope that, for the time that that happens, the prototype will be ready to use.

I also know, since I see you're about to object, that, as strong as he is, Konohamaru is no match for Kimochi, but I expect that they won't come down to a battle. Now, the bad scenario is: that he finds them before the prototype is ready or that the prototype doesn't work. If that happens, we'll use the teletransportation jutsu so that you can be at the battle field in a sec.

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