If you like this book then read this 😔

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Okay I did say what I was gonna do to this book in my AOE boyfriend scenario book but I just briefly talked about it though

I will delete this book after I written all the plot twist and what happens. So you still have time to read this so no I will not be deleting this now or in a hour time probably like 2-3 days later, or when I get what I need for this.

There will be the same characters like crosshairs is still the Autobot that finds the girl and the dad will still be mean and horrible. I don't think the name Sophie is good for this so if you have any names for the charter (which is a girl) please write it down in the comments.

The other reason for deleting this book is that I didn't know what I was doing I just wanted to write I book like this as I liked the idea for an autobot to find a girl with a abusive dad and she help with the war.i also didn't have any idea of what to do I kinda just went with the flo which didn't really work as this Is a crappy book

Sorry if you liked this book but I will make a better one I promise! Have a good day or night wherever you are

An autobot came to my barn?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang