Chapter 3

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Btw Sophie is a girly girl and a tomboy she likes wearing shorts and makeup and all that's but she doesn't mind getting muddy and playing in the dirt ya know so enjoy
Sophie pov

It's the next day but I don't want to get up it's to comfy
'Where the hell am I' confused I looked around but then I remembered
'Oops I'm so silly how could I forget' I smiled to myself
"Finally kid your awake get out so I can transform"
"Okay okay calm ya horse down"Resisting the eye roll getting out while he transformed
"What's the time"
"It's 1:00 in the afternoon"crossy saids-yep I gave him a nickname because crosshairs is to long to said all the time anyway

I Realized that I'm still in my Pyjamas and I don't exactly have spare clothes because the one in the emergency bag it's for emergency's only so I can't use that AND I'm starving and didn't eat yesterday i completely forgotten to eat oops but at the same time I don't want to go back but I have to I sighed
"I have to go back to my dad" turning around to look at him only to see him disagreeing with me
"No kid can't let ya go back" crossing his arms
"But I have to go" he lowered his hand i don't know what he calls it again I forgot but anyway I climbed on and was brought up to his face
"Why kid" he asked worried staring at me
"I need to to change out of my Pyjamas plus I'm starving I haven't eaten since the other day" I say looking down he sighed putting m down
"Alright But you have to come back in 15 minutes got it" he told me firmly
"Got it"I say giving him a thumbs up running out of the barn to my house just to see my dads mates over

A frown comes on my face Realizing that my jumper is still bloody so I took it off and Tied around my waist making sure no one can see the bleed ugh the cuts the I could just put it behind my back though so I did that opening the front door smelling Cigarettes and Alcohol but I'm Used to it by now
"Hey sweetheart" he came hugging me I Resist the eye roll
"Can I stay at the barn tonight" putting on the fake smile
" of course" I ran upstairs before his mates said hello he only acts nice when people are arou- that's when I hear my door open only to see my dad angry
"How dare you Ignore my mates and not say hello how embarrassing that was for me" he saids quietly so no one can hear him
"S-sorry I just got excited" looking down
He shut the door and Grabbed my arm till it was bruised
"Don't scream or anything" he said pushing me to the ground
Now I was terrified shaking with fear with my eyes Watering

After about 10 minutes of him beating me up before his mates called him down about the football so he left and shut the door. I sat down on the floor trying to calm down the pain and not scream I'm pretty sure it's been more then 15 minutes so I get up and limp to the bathroom thank god it's right next to my room so I don't have to walk down the hall and took some Tissue and wiping the blood so it doesn't stain and to stop the bleeding after about 2 minutes now it's been way over 15 minutes so I Hurried up and but Bandages on and got changed

 I sat down on the floor trying to calm down the pain and not scream I'm pretty sure it's been more then 15 minutes so I get up and limp to the bathroom thank god it's right next to my room so I don't have to walk down the hall and took some Tissu...

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And ran downstairs getting some food and saying bye to my 'dad' and his mates so I don't make him angry before running to the barn only to see a annoyed and worried looking bot Pacing back and fourth before looking at me seeing the Bandages crossing his arm waiting for me to explain what happened and what took me so long to get back
Sorry for the Cliffhanger but will update soon and I know this is not that long but it's over 700 so I'm done with this chapter hope ya enjoyed this and byeeeee
( god I sound like an youtuber lol)

730 words

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