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A few years ago, the last angel was created and she was adored by everyone up in heaven

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A few years ago, the last angel was created and she was adored by everyone up in heaven. She was created in such a way that unlike the other angels she didn't need a vessel, this is what made her special. She would run around the corridors of heaven, her small figure darting around to steer away of the angels working. She always managed to put a smile on the face of the usually emotionless angels. The angels didn't agree on a lot of things, but the one thing they all agreed on was that their precious little sister was to be protected and they were doing a very good job of it, until that terrible moment happened.

The demons of hell had decided to break into heaven through one of its secret doors and rage war. The angels fought bravely against them to the very end where they won, or so they thought

What none of them had realised was that one of the demons had snuck past them and walked into a room with a rose gold door. They didn't realise that the demon had taken the little angel, taken their little sister. They didn't realise that their little sister was now in hell's most protected prison, being prepared to be hell's greatest weapon. 

When they realised that she was gone, it was already too late. The angels stormed into hell to look for her and bring her back home but failed, as she was locked in a prison that no one knew about, that was very undetectable. After 5 years of failing, the angels finally started to believe that maybe the little angel was no longer living.

But the little angel spent 16 years in hell, and now she's no longer a little angel. She's 19 years old and she's only a half angel now, for the demons had managed to turn her into their weapon. For now the little angel was half angel and half demon, with a mission she was dead set on completing



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