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The Winchesters, Lizziel and Castiel had managed to get Rowena and Gabriel on board and were currently in the bunker's library getting ready to do the spell

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The Winchesters, Lizziel and Castiel had managed to get Rowena and Gabriel on board and were currently in the bunker's library getting ready to do the spell.

"Fruit from the tree of life, blood of the most holy man and uh", Rowena said as she plucked a strand from Dean's hair, causing him to complain, "Something from the other side".

"Wuss", Lizziel muttered with a grin causing Dean to smack her arm in offense.

"Hey, how's Gabriel?", Sam asked Castiel, who had just entered the room.

"He said he needed a minute alone. He wanted to extract his grace by himself in private", Castiel said causing Sam and Lizziel to share a disgusted look, "So, I left him alone in Dean's room".

"What? No", Dean said, a disgusted look on his face. Lizziel let out a laugh while Dean glared at her.

"I hate to interrupted but I can't be the only one who's noticed the rather glaring hole in this plan. We open up the rift, it gives us a day to find and save your mum and the boy and its a very big world over there, and you're not even sure where they are, so", Rowena said.

"She does have a point", Lizziel said.

"Yes, the clock may run out on us", Castiel told them.

"Yeah well, we don't have any better ideas", Dean stated.

"Here it is, the final ingredient...a fresh serving of archangel grace", Gabriel said, placing a vial filled with a tiny amount of grace on the table.

"That's it?", Lizziel asks with a raised eyebrow.

"This is what you call a serving?", Rowena asked, disappointment laced in her voice.

"That is the jet fuel of divine emissions, it will be more than enough to get the job done", Gabriel said, sass laced in his voice.

"Well, let's find out shall we", Lizziel said with a smirk causing Gabriel to roll his eyes.

They all stood in front of the table while Rowena did the spell, "Koth Munto Nuntox".

The rift opened up but just as they were about to enter, the rift started flickering and drooping down. Everyone tilted their head while looking at the rift. The rift flickered some more and then closed.

"Okay", Dean said, surprise laced in his voice.

"Well, that", Castiel stated.

"Very fast", Lizziel said looking at Gabriel.

"Very, very fast", Sam added.

"One could even say premature", Rowena said annoyed.

"Um, I thought it would be enough", Gabriel said nervously.

"All right, great. What do we do now?", Sam asked everyone.

"Hell if I know", Dean snapped.

"You do know. We all do. We need archangel grace. Gabriel's obviously running a little low, and we don't know how long it'll take him to recover. So that leaves exactly one source on Earth", Castiel informed them.

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