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"Mm. Valko's compound was a breeze, as it turned out. Jammed the security systems from the outside, sedated the guard dogs, rottweilers, naturally", Ketch droned on through, the computer screen causing Lizziel to let out a yawn while Jack listened in awe.

"Hey, you have it?", Sam asked, coming to stand behind Jack and Lizziel. Dean and Castiel also came and stood behind them.

"Sam, Dean. What, no hellos, how are yous?", Ketch asked with a smile.

"No time", Dean explained while Castiel stated, "The egg, Ketch".

"And as I was just telling Jack and Lizzie, I did, in fact, manage to expropriate the egg from a certain Hungarian rare-weapons collector", Ketch informed them.

"Yeah, uh, Arpad Valko. We got the messages, but so?", Sam asked.

"Unfortunately, once I got back to Budapest, where I was intending to catch the red eye back to the good ole U.S of A, he unleashed a swarm of mercenaries upon me. I was cornered, and so I was forced to, I'm afraid, drop the egg like...well, to mix a metaphor, like a hot potato", Ketch replied.

"Bloody wonderful", Lizziel muttered, running her hands through her hair.

"You dropped it?", Castiel asked, annoyance laced in his voice.

"Never you mind, boys and girl. I put it somewhere safe. In fact, it should be arriving in Lebanon, Kansas, the day after tomorrow between, 2 and 6 pm", Ketch said with a smug smile.

"You put the only weapon we have against the mail?", Dean asked, disbelief written all over his features.

"Ah, not just any mail. I paid extra. Certified Priority Express", Ketch explained.

"He paid extra", Dean sarcastically said.

"Look, I improvised. It's not as if I have access to the top shelf clandestine courier networks I did during my British Men of Letters days. And really, so, whose fault is that, hmm?", Ketch asked, defensively.

Dean and Lizziel ran a hand down their face and let out an annoyed sigh. Sam glanced at everyone and said, "Okay, ketch, we're...we're not mad. We appreciate the effort".

"Do we?", Dean asked.

"It's just that big Michael stuff is going down soon. We kind of needed the", Sam said with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh. Well, um...Sorry, chaps", Ketch said, causing Lizziel to roll her eyes. Castiel got fed up and left causing Dean to make a gesture of 'look what you did, you made him leave'.

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