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"You guys are going on a hunt?", Lizziel asked, entering the bunker's library and patting Miracle's head

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"You guys are going on a hunt?", Lizziel asked, entering the bunker's library and patting Miracle's head. They had decided to adopt Miracle and take him back to the bunker after Jack had left.

"Yeah, you wanna join?", Dean asked.

"Nope, not today", Lizziel replied.

"Are you meeting up with Eileen for coffee?", Sam asked Lizziel, a smile on his face.

"Oh come on...again. You've already met her three times this week. I feel abandoned", Dean exclaimed.

"Oh shush Dean, I'm not meeting up with Eileen and I haven't abandoned you. I gotta go to heaven", Lizziel replied, pointing upwards.

"Oh yeah, how's being an archangel going?", Sam asked Lizziel, a curious look on his face.

"It's actually the same as before, sort of...I mean, I'm kinda looking over heaven", Lizziel replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Good thing you have experience in that field", Dean said, a proud smile on his face, "We gotta head out. See you later, Lizzie".

"See you boys. Be safe. Don't be stupid. Call me if you need help", Lizziel told them, sternly, before teleporting to heaven, "Wow, heaven's looking nice. Good job, Jack".

"Thank you", Jack said with a smile.

"Oh, how's Amara?", Lizziel asked, a smile making its way to her face.

"She's doing great. I actually wanted to talk to you about your plan, do you really think it would work?", Jack asked.

"I don't know but it is worth a try", Lizziel pointed out.

"Will you be safe? In the empty?", Jack asked, worry laced in his voice.

"I pinky promise I'll try my best to stay safe", Lizziel said, wrapping her little finger around Jack's little finger, "Now, beam me up, Scotty".

"Star Trek reference, nice", Jack said, happily before placing his fingers on Lizziel's forehead.

Suddenly, Lizziel found herself standing in the empty. Lizziel walked around trying to find the shadow.

"Well well well. If it isn't Lizziel. Something's different about you? Oh wow, you're an archangel now", the shadow spoke up, this time looking like Ruby.

"Are you having an identity crisis or something?", Lizziel asked, sarcasm laced in her voice.

"What do you want?", the shadow asked.

"I want to offer you a deal", Lizziel replied with a smirk.

"Oh really? What can you offer me?", the shadow asked with a sarcastic chuckle.

"A lot but for now this is what I'm offering. Well we all know, you can't sleep since the empty is still loud. Everything present here is awake. But god...Jack, can put them back to sleep, therefore, you can also go back to sleep. Tempting isn't it? We just want one thing in return. Well, not a thing...a someone", Lizziel told the shadow.

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