The young maid begged the goon to save her unborn baby. The goon felt sympathy seeing the girl's tears. He send her away with strict orders of not stepping foot in the city again. The goon returned to his boss and lied that the mission was complete...."

"Why are you telling me this crazy story?," l interrupted him.

He gave me another creepy smile.

"I haven't finished the story yet."

I saw Ferracco descending the stairs. He was now fully dressed in khaki shorts and a tight blue tank top which showcased his well muscled arms. I didn't realise that he had left the room because l was too absorbed in the strange man's creepy story.

"The young maid went into hiding in a far away small town to protect her unborn child. Heavily pregnant , she struggled working two part-time jobs because she had no education nor family. The man who fathered her child was in the city leading a glamorous life.

He attended glamorous parties with his trophy wife dangling on his arm. He donated to charities pretending to help when all he wanted was fame and power.

The young maid gave birth to a bouncing baby boy and gave him a name his former lover wanted to give his son in future. Somewhere in her heart , she still had feelings for him. Sometimes she would hold his picture in her arms and cried herself to sleep.

Four years later, the wife of the rich man became pregnant only it was her lover's child. The rich man was very delighted because he already pictured a son who would lead his empire in the future.

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