"Never thought to" Dec frowned "I guess you're right Mam,I am a selfish little git"

"No,you're not Decky" Anne smiled "I didn't mean that,you're just sensitive and insecure sometimes,we all can be,but just try and enjoy Ants happiness ok?who knows how he was feeling about his dad not being there,I wouldn't be surprised if he was saddened by it,but hid it for everyone elses benefit"

"Yeah" Dec nodded "the thought of that makes me sad if that's what he was doing"

"Just remember that lad adores you and I know him being married isn't going to change that" Anne smiled.

"Yeah,you're right Mam" Dec replied "as usual"

"Mother knows best" Anne laughed "well,you know where I am if you need to talk"

"Yeah,thanks Mam" Dec smiled "I can always rely on you to bring me back down to earth with a bump"

"You certainly can" Anne replied "and please stop worrying ok?I know you and Ant are going to be just fine"

"Yeah" Dec sighed "we will be"

Anne was still concerned about the hint of sadness in Decs voice.

"You're ok now?" She asked.

"Yeah,I am,thanks Mam" Dec replied.

"At least you have this new film to look forward to" Anne stated,tactfully attempting to change the subject "Alien Funeral is it?"

"Alien Autopsy" Dec laughed.

"Alien Autopsy" Anne repeated "that'll be great won't it?my son,a movie star,just when I thought things couldn't get any better"

"Yeah alright Mam" Dec smiled "don't get too excited,we haven't even started filming yet and who knows how it will be received once it's released in the cinemas?it could be a flop"

"Now you stop that Declan" Anne scolded "I know you and I know that you don't take on any project that you don't believe in one hundred percent,so you stop with the self pity right now"

"Ok,ok" Dec laughed "it's going to be brilliant,that better?"

"Yes it is,much better" Anne confirmed "now,I need to go into town to get some pork chops for your dads tea,so if we're all done here?"

"Alright" Dec laughed "I can take a hint,not that it was a very subtle one,give my love to Dad"

"I will do" Anne confirmed "bye son,I love you"

"Love you too" Dec replied "bye Mam"

Even though the phone conversation hadn't exactly gone the way Dec had intended,he did feel better for it.

Of course he had been expecting Anne to pander to him,to tell him how much he had a right to feel the way he did and how it was breaking her heart to hear how upset he was.

That wasn't what he got,but what he did get was even better.Anne helped him put things into perspective and no matter how harsh her words had seemed,Dec knew she was right.

He made himself a cup of tea and sat back down on the sofa.

He thought back to Ant and Lisas wedding day that had taken place just a few days earlier and smiled at the memory.

Of course his Mam was right.It was unlikely anything would change between him and Ant,why would it?he could see that now.

He was glad he had spoken to Anne about his concerns,but he was happy he hadn't mentioned the fact he had been thinking about calling Ant in Dubai.He could now see how ridiculous that would have been.Anne would certainly have given him a good telling off for that.

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