Chapter 11 - Her Again?!?!

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(I'm not writing this on a laptop. so if there are any mistakes sorry. it's kinda hard for me me to write this chapter. This chapter will also be long no matter how long it takes for me to finish it. The last chapter was only a page so yeah. that's why.)

Ava P.O.V.

I slowly woke up. What time is it? I looked at the lock. 11:09. I climbed out of bed and went in the living room.

The tv was on and Niall was watching Shrek 3. "Hey Nialler," I said. He looked up at me. "Oh good morning Blushie," he replied. "You still call me that?" I asked. "How can I forget your nickname Velvet," he asked. I laughed. I think I need to turn my hair color back to brown.

"Wait... how did you get in," I asked. He shrugged. "I guess Harry slept here last night. He just opened the door for me," he said.

I walked in the kitchen and Harry was making pancakes, eggs, and bacon. "Hi Hazza," I said. "Hello," he said slowly. Weird. "Can you make me a plate," I asked. "Yeah," he replied. He was done cooking now. He made my plate an handed it to me.

"Thanks," I said.

I heard faded music playing. "If I was your boyfriend, I'll never let you go."

"Niall," I yelled. "Yeah," he replied. "Get my phone," I said. I kept eating the delicious food Harry made. I didn't know he could cook.

Niall came in the kitchen with phone. "Hey, Harry make me another plate of food," Niall said. "You already had a plate," Harry complained. "That's why I said another plate," Niall said walking out the kitchen.

I called back the person that called me. It was from Noah's cellphone. "Hi," said a girly voice over the phone. "Hey, this is," I said my voice trailing off. "Zoey," she screamed. "Oh Hey Zoey," I said. It was Zoey, Noah's 7 year old sister.

"Can you pretty please come visit us," she asked. "Sure, I'll come see you today," I said. "I also heard you met One Direction. Can you bring one of them. Noah said all of them can't come and if you do bring one don't bring 'the jerk.' Whoever that is," she said. That's another thing about Zoey she likes to talk. "Okay, I got to go okay Zoe." "Okay, see you soon, Ava," she said hanging up.

I finished my breakfast and put my plate in the sink. "Harry your an excellent cook," I said. He smirked. "I know." I went in the living room to see Niall.

"Hey, Niall you want to come over my cousins house with me," I asked. "Yeah, sure," he said not even looking at me. "Bring swimming trunks," I said.

I went in the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I turned on the shower and got in. I washed up with my strawberry shower gel and washed my hair with my strawberry shampoo. If you haven't noticed I really like strawberries.

I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I exited the bathroom, I walked in my room. I put my bra and underwear on. I looked for something to wear. I decided on a dress. The top half was black and the bottom half was floral. I put on my black high top shoes with the outfit.

I got out a bikini that had strawberries on it. Told you I love strawberries. I put my swim suit in my tote bag that said 'YOLO.'

I walked back in the living room. "You ready," I asked. "Yeah," Niall said he stood up and walked over towards me. "Bye, Harry," I called to where ever he was. He came out the kitchen. "Why can't I come," he asked. "Noah said he doesn't want to see 'the jerk." I said using quotation marks when i said the jerk. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Niall put his swimming trunks in my tote bag before we exited the hotel room.

We walked to the elevator and I bumped into someone. Alex. "Oh, hey Alex," I said. "Hi babe," he said lightly pecking my lips. "So why are you on my floor," I asked. "I'm looking for my 10 year old cousin. He's running around here somewhere," he said. He looked over my shoulder. "Hey, Jason come back here," he called. "I'll see you later. Hey Niall," he said before running after the cute little boy.

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