Chapter 10 - ???

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(A/N I don't know what the title should be for this chapter. So it would just be Chapter 10 - ??? Yeah...lame.)

Alex P.O.V.

I exited the resturant with Ava. I moved my hands over her eyes. She tried pushing my hand away. "What are you doing," she laughed. I didn't answer her and left my hands on her eyes.

Ava stopped walking and leaned on me. My hands were still on her eyes. "Al....ex it seems like we've been walking forever. Where are you taking me? What about the car?" she complained.

"We've been walking for 8 minutes," I said looking at the time. It hasn't been that long.

"Maybe but, it seems like forever when you're walking and can't see anything," she said. "I feel sorry for blind people."

"We're almost there I promise," I said. "We'll be there in about... 2 minutes." I pulled her along.After about 2 minutes I stopped. "We're here."

She removed my hands looked at her surroundings. I've bought her up to a hill while the sun was setting. "Alex it's beautiful," she said. It really was.

I took her hands in mine and was about to ask her the question I wanted to all night. "Just like you," I said. She let out a giggle. "Ava will you be my girlfriend," I asked.

She sorta just looked at me and I was getting extremeley nervous. I started fidgeting with my hand. "So.." I said. She pulled me into a hug. "Yes," she said.  I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in.

We sat on the bench, watching the sun set. I felt her shiver and snuggle deeper in to my chest. "Are you cold," I asked. She nodded her head. "Take my jacket," I said putting it around her.

"I can't take your jacket, Alex," she said. "No, I'm fine you need it more than I do," I said. She put her arms through it. "Thanks," she replied.

She looked up and me and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her. I moved my face closer to hers and she was doing the same. I closed my eyes. I finally felt Ava's lips touch mine.

Ava P.O.V.

I closed my eyes. A second later. I finally felt Alex's lips on mine. It was a great ksis but, there was something missing. Sparks? But that only happens in those cheesy romance novels. Alex pulled me closer but, pulled away from the kiss not too long later.

"You ready to go back to the hotel," he asked.

"Yeah," I said. We walked back to the hotel since it wasn't the far of a walk. "Hey, what about your car," I asked. "I'll get it back tomorrow," he said like it was no big deal.

We arrived at the hotel. Alex and I got on the elevator and he pressed 3 so, he was taking me to my room. The elevator stopped singalling that it was on floor, 3. We walked over to my door.

"Thanks," I said. "What for," he asked. "Taking me out," I said. "Oh... no problem," he said. "I wanted to."

I smiled at him. "Goodnight, Ava," he said pressing his lips on to my forehead. "Goodnight," I said.

I went in my room and got my pajamas on. I crawled into bed. I heard snoring. Snoring? I looked in the living room and there lay on the couch was Harry. Harry? I tickled him and he started laughing in his sleep. "Harry," I whispered. "Yeeeh," he mummbled. "Why are you in my hotel room," I asked.

"I... uh was watching Family Guy and fell," he started yawning. "asleep. I'm too lazy to move now though," he finished. "But... HArry," I said. "Harry." He didn't answer he was sleep again. I left him in the living room and climbed back in my bed. I caught off the light.

Goodnight Ava.

(Short Capter... but, I felt like I need to update. Sorry if its Crap. I started it like at 3:00 am and I'm not the best writer. And if someone can find a good title for this chapter. Can you send it to me. If I like it I will change the title )

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