Chapter 14 - I know how I feel

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Ava P.O.V.

What is Niall doing? Why is he kissing me? Niall is my bestfriend. Well... except for Noah and Harry so...yes. Niall is my 3rd bestfriend?!?! Why is he kissing me? I don't like him in that type of way. I know I should push him off of me but, I can't exactly think when there is so many freaking questions that need to be answered. Does Niall like me that way? In a... girlfriend type of way? I know I thought he was cute when I first met him but, it was in an "Aww... he so adorable" way like you'll think of a 5 year old. I can't date Niall. I don't want to ruin the relationship we have right now. As just friends.

Niall pulled away. He looked at me like he was waiting for me to say something but, honestly I didn't know what to say. He face-palmed his self. "Niall...I... I don't like you in a girlfrend way. I just want us to continue being friends nothing more. I'm sorry, Niall."

"Ava, it's fine. I just I don't know. I'm was having mixed emotions for you. I like you at one time. And then... I didn't. I saw you with Zayn on you guys date at Nando's and I guessed I just got... jealous. So I thought I still had feelings for you. Now I realize I don't though. I just want someone to be mine. I haven't had a girlfriend in a while, ya know?" Niall lectered me.

I nodded. "Wait...? Me and Zayn." I started laughing. "Zayn and I aren't a couple. We were just casually going out for lunch. But Niall you'll find your someone. You just have to keep searching for her," I stated.

"Yeah, maybe your right. Sometimes I just feel I'm not good enough for certain people." He said. Why would he think that?

"Niall, any girl would be lucky to have you. If your not good enough for them then, they just weren't good enough for you." I said.

He nodded. "I hope this doesn't make it awkward for us. You know I want us to keep the friendship we had before I you know," he said more like a question. "Friends," he stuck out his hand.

I remembered what Alex did and pulled Niall into a hug. "The Bestest."

I heard him chuckle. "Okay, Okay, strong grip," he said. Which caused me to laugh. I let go of him and I knew that me and Niall would be fine and things wouldn't be 'awkward'.

"I'm knackard. I'm going to sleep now," he said. He laid down on the couch. I laid on the couch beside him resting my head on his chest. I was cold so I brought the cover that we had and cuddled into it.

"Goodnight Nialler," I said.

"Goodnight Blushie," I heard him reply and me chuckling before drifting off into a sleep full of peaceful dreams. I'm glad everything between Niall and I worked out and things wouldn't get complicated. Niall is officially my 3rd bestfriend. Nothing can get between us.

(A/N: Hey sorry for the short, crummie chapter. I just wanted to update since I haven't in a while. I probably wont also update for a while because, I'm grounded. I'll be on wattpad so be free to ask me anything but, I'll be on with my Kindle. And I hate updating on my Kindle because, when I re-read it or if I do re-read it. It males no sense because, I'm typing so fast and of dumb spell check

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