First day of school

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In the dorms of Beacon academy there is a room, In that room there is a team of huntsmen in training, team AMPR.

Sleeping in one bed we have Amber, the 'A' and Leader of team AMPR. She is a magical maiden with powers given by a wizard. She's the Mage of the team.

Sleeping in another we have Mercury, The 'M' of team AMPR, Mercury is a close quarter kickboxing master. He's the douche of team AMPR.

In the third bed we have our protagonist, Neta, The 'P' of team AMPR, He is masterful with the bow and arrow and he can win against most people with only a knife. He's the Ranger of team AMPR.

And not currently sleeping in a bed, we have Brigitte, The 'R' of team AMPR, She is a Heroic girl with really bad luck. She's the Warrior of the team.

And that is our team in Beacon academy, not a D&D Campaign.

"Amber wake up..." Brigitte whispered in her partner and leader's ear.

"...five more minutes..." Amber mumbled and went back to sleep.

Seems Brigitte failed to wake her up, Time for the second target.

"Neta, Pssst Neta, Wake up"

... He doesn't seem to be waking up.

"Neta, Hey Neta" She says louder.

Nothing happened.

"Wake up!" She finally yells. Waking up the Rogue abruptly.

So abruptly in fact that he almost hit Brigitte if she didn't dodge at the last moment, but as she was dodging she tripped on nothing and fell towards the bed behind her.

She would've hit Mercury if she didn't stop herself by twisting her body to catch herself from hitting him.

But Brigitte has terrible luck, and she failed to catch herself, Lending elbow first on Mercury's crotch.


After 40 minutes of yelling, Showering, dressing up, collecting some stalhrim gear from a quest and eating breakfast. Out Intrepid group ventured to the great beyond.

The first class of the year.

Grimm Studies with Professor Port.

---Neta POV---

"Monsters! Demons... Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to them as prey." Was the first Sentence Peter Port said when class started. Introduce yourself first please, I only know you because you picked Amber and I up with the bullhead, What about the others?

Seeing as nobody said anything to his wonderful opening speech he continued, "Uhh, and you shall too, upon graduating from this  prestigious academy. Now as I was saying..." Here start  the boring speech of why we should listen, "But first a story," Oh this might be interesting.

"A tale of a young, handsome man. Me. When I was a boy, I always used to hunt down the grimm around the small, quaint village i grew up in..." I take that moment to look at my teammates.

Mercury is sleeping, on his first day?! Preposterous!

Amber was looking at her notebook, but  she hid another, smaller book between the pages. I think she's reading some romance novel if the heavy blush on her face is anything to go by.

Why am I not worried about the fact that my girlfriend is reading almost borderline smut you may ask? Well, I respect her choices as any good boyfriend should. If she want's to read smut She can read smut. If she want's to try some of the things she read in the book with me than go right ahead. If she wants to try pegging with me, I'll respectfully decline. As they say in that song.

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