Symbols and Spraypaint

Start from the beginning


Sherlock had pinned lots of photos to the wall. He printed out the symbols and photos of the victim - Van Coon.

"Looks Chinese." I interupted the silence that had nestled its self in the flat. We were both sitting in our mind palaces, trying to work out what it meant.

"Yes., YES!" Sherlock shouted, he was getting excited about something.


"It is Chinese! You got it! Chinese symbols!" He smiled.

Some time later, John was back.

"I said, could you pass me a pen." Sherlock stated.

"What? When?" John replied as he put his jacket on the hanger.

"About an hour ago."

"Didn't notice I'd gone out then. Why couldn't you ask Jasmine?"

"She was in a shower."

At that moment I came out of the kitchen with my hair in a towel wrap. "Hey John. How was the job?"

"Great. She's great." He smiled.

"Who?" Sherlock asked.

"The job."



I was grinning at him, "What's her name?"

He cleared his throat. He probably knew he wasn't going to be able to hide it from us.




He ended the conversation swiftly.

"Did you get anywhere with the symbols?"

"Yes, ancient Chinese numbers." Sherlock said, "Courtesy of Jasmine."

I smirked at him.

"Anyway, we're going out." He said, swooshing past John and into the hall.

"Ughh." John said, picking up his jacket again.

-Scotland Yard-

"Brian Lukis, freelance journalist. Murdered in his flat ..." He turned the laptop he was using around to show DI Dimmock. "... doors locked from the inside."

"You've gotta admit, it's similar." John said.

Dimmock scowled at the computer.

"Both men killed by someone who can... walk through solid walls." John continued.

"Inspector, do you seriously believe that Eddie Van Coon was just another City suicide?" I asked.

"You have seen the ballistics report, I suppose?" Sherlock asked.

"Mm." Dimmock nodded.

"And the shot that killed him: was it fired from his own gun?" I asked.


"No. So this investigation might move a bit quicker if you were to take my word as gospel. I've just handed you a murder enquiry. Five minutes in his flat."

He nodded and we left.

"I like Lestrade better." I admitted to Sherlock as we went. I knew he was going to say something rare soon, so I set up my phone and recorded our voices.

"Me too." My brother said.

"You don't even know his name, Sherlock!" John laughed.

"I still like him better."

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