Ron Weasley x Reader: I'll Catch You

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"Why don't you just talk to him?" Hermione suggested as they walked up the winding staircase toward the Gryffindor common room.

Usually (y/n) would have branched off from her a couple of staircases back but they were having such a good conversation they didn't want to end it. Hermione was giving her some advice on how she should handle the "Ron situation".

"He doesn't want to talk to me Mione." (y/n) groaned when they had reached Hermione's destination. "He's been avoiding me for 6 years and I have absolutely no idea what I did wrong. I just want things to go back to the way they were before we even came to school."

"He might be in here now if you want to convince him to talk to you?" She shrugged.

"Okay," (y/n) nodded, "if he's in there can you tell him to come out?"

"No." Hermione giggled shaking her head. She grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her into the common room, "you know it's okay if you come in here, right?"

"I've always wondered what it looked like in here." (y/n) whispered in awe doing a full 360 of the common room. When she had finally stopped spinning, she noticed that everyone around her was whispering, but she just shrugged it off. She had gotten used to all the whispers. It was nothing new.

"Now what?" She questioned turning towards Hermione.

"Now we wait." She answered dropping down onto the couch. They sat on the couch for about 20 minutes or so just laughing and talking until they heard the portrait door open. Hermione instantly stopped talking. She waved someone over so (y/n) assumed it was Ron. Him and Harry both walked over to where they were sitting.

There was a sudden hush throughout the common room as if everyone was trying to listen to what they had to say.

"What are you doing in here (y/n)?" He snapped. Hermione took Harry and dragged him off somewhere so they could talk in privacy.

"I just wanted to talk to you Ron," She pleaded standing up so she could be just about eye level with him. "I don't know what exactly I did to make you want to stop talking to me, but I want things to go back to the way they were before. When we were best friends and we didn't care what anyone thought about us. I'm still the same person I was when we were 10."

"That's the thing (y/n)." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'm not the same person I was when we were 10 and you proved that you weren't the second that hat placed you in Slytherin."

"That's what this is all about?" She scoffed, "You've barely talked to me for 6 years because I got placed in Slytherin? Ron, you cannot assume all of us are rude, arrogant, and heartless because the few of us that you do know aren't very nice."

"Look (y/n)," he sighed and she knew exactly where this conversation was going. He was going to say that he was sure she was an exception to rule and that she was a nice Slytherin, but her friends were not. He was going to say that it would be best if they kept our distance from now on.

He was going to say that his life had been much better without her in it and she didn't want to hear any of that. (y/n) couldn't hear any of that. Ron Weasley was her best friend and nobody could ever take his place.

"No Ron," She shook her head, "please don't say it. We were best friends Ron. We've known each other since we were 3 and just because we're not in the same house doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"You've got other friends now (y/n)." He pointed out, "I've seen you with them. You all act as if you're better than us parading around as if your blood status means something. The (y/n) I knew would have nothing to do with them."

"What did you want me to do Ron?" She was trying so hard not to raise her voice because she didn't want to draw any attention to their argument. "For about a year or two I tried so hard to distance myself from that crowd and I tried to talk to you but you refused to even acknowledge the fact that I existed. When I came over for holidays, everyone treated me the exact same but you Ronald. So when I realized you were willing to throw away 11 years of friendship for no good reason, I made friends. I got lonely waiting on you to come to your senses and I befriended the people in my house. And you know what? I'm glad I ended up becoming friends with them because they are some of the best people I have ever met." By the end of that (y/n) was yelling and there were angry tears streaming down her cheeks.

She loved Ron with her entire heart, but of course he was so oblivious by all the hints she had been throwing his way. Every year for his birthday, Christmas, and Valentine's day she would send him a gift. (y/n) would have much rather delivered it to him, but they weren't on speaking terms.

The only person that knew how much (y/n) loved Ron was Hermione. Ron reached out towards her, but she took a step back. She was way too wounded to receive any comfort from him right now.

Hermione and Harry began making their way back over to the two of them as if they were trying to deescalate the situation, but (y/n) had one last thing to say before Ron cut her lose for good.

"I know that we're probably never going to speak again Ronald Weasley, but I do want to let you know this. I don't know exactly when this happened or when it even started. All I knew that I was falling for you hard and I don't ever think I'll ever stop falling. And I know that one day I'm going to hit the ground. Hard. And I'll lay there for a while waiting for my bones to heal, but eventually I'll get up and it'll be okay. But a small part of me is praying that maybe you'll catch me before I hit the ground." And with that she turned on her heel and marched out of the silenced Gryffindor common room with her head held high.

The second she stepped over the threshold, the tears came flowing. She couldn't stop them so she ran to the common room before anyone could stop to ask her what was wrong.

Pansy was the first one to notice she was crying. She asked (y/n) what was wrong but she couldn't say anything because she was crying too hard. So Pansy just let her cry into her shoulder while she rubbed soothing circles on her back.

Eventually (y/n) had calmed down enough that she was able to tell Pansy what had happened. Pansy helped her into bed and she fell asleep the second her head hit the pillow.

The next morning in the common room, Blaise and Draco told (y/n) that if Ron didn't see what an amazing person she was then he didn't deserve her. She gave both of them a hug and headed to the Great Hall to get breakfast. On the way there, she heard the whispers once again. By now she was sure the whole school had heard she had confessed her feelings to Ron.

She sat down at the table not having much of an appetite. After taking a couple sips of water, she felt a presence standing behind her. (y/n) expected it to be Draco, but when she looked up it was Ron who looked as if he had been crying. "I miss you (y/n)."

"What-" she started but Ron stopped her.

"I am so sorry I treated you terrible all these years and I would do anything to take it all back. I had this perfect image of you in my mind before we came to Hogwarts and I was afraid that you being in Slytherin would change that. I am so sorry (y/n) and I understand if you can't forgive me but-"

(y/n) stopped him by reaching out and grabbing his face and pressing his lips onto hers. She felt Ron freeze up for a second, but he melted into the kiss when he realized what was happening. Ron could feel all the love and passion she was putting into the kiss so he pulled her even closer into his body. He didn't even care that the Great Hall was watching him. All he knew was that he got his best friend back. (y/n) pulled back and looked lovingly into his eyes.

"If it's alright with you (y/n), I would love to catch you."

Hey, I hope you like it! MayHayFay

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