Harry Potter x Reader: Ice Cream Sundaes

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"Sundae! Please come back here." (y/n)'s cat had gotten loose and she was desperately trying to corral him back into the Hufflepuff common room before she got into trouble.

Since it was so late, she wasn't expecting anyone to be wandering around the castle. She quickly turned around the corner and ran right into someone or something; she couldn't tell.

At first it didn't look like anyone was there, but she heard a couple of voices coming from in front of her which was weird because she couldn't see anyone.

(y/n) reached her hand out and felt something that felt like some kind of like a silk sheet. She grabbed onto it and snatched it off to reveal Harry Potter and Ron Weasley sprawled out on the floor in front of her. She held out the shimmery cloth back to the duo giving them a small smile.

Harry gently took his invisibility cloak back not really sure how to handle the situation. He had only spoken to (y/n) a couple of times. She didn't seem like the type of person to go blabbering to the world about what she had seen, but he didn't know her well enough to make that decision.

He could almost hear Hermione scolding him and Ron when they got back to the common room for not being more careful.

"You don't have to worry about me saying anything." She giggled. "As far as I'm concerned neither of you were here tonight." It was as if she had read his mind.

"Do you want any help looking for your cat?" Harry offered pleased that this very pretty girl had absolutely no interest in telling on them.

"No," it's fine she shook her head, "it looks like you two have somewhere to be." She stood up and with that she continued down the hallway to look for her cat Sundae.

Over the next couple of days, it seemed like Harry saw (y/n) everywhere that he looked. Not that he was complaining, but it was kinda weird to go from never seeing someone to constantly seeing them all the time.

He tried to avoid staring at her because he knew Hermione would ask where Harry knew her. One day (y/n) waved when she noticed he had been staring at her.

His face turned a violent shade of red and he sent a quick wave back before becoming very focused on his Sheppard's pie.

"Who is that?" Hermione questioned looking back and forth between the pair.

Before Harry could even open his mouth to respond, Ron beat him to it. He told Hermione about how they had been sneaking around the castle and bumped into her a couple of weeks ago.

"You did what?" Hermione hissed looking between the two of them. "Harry, you know that you should not be sneaking around the castle with Umbridge in charge. Imagine what would have happened if it had been her you ran into instead of (y/n)?"

"I know Hermione," he grumbled glancing over at (y/n) who was laughing with a couple of her friends, "it won't happen again."

"She is very pretty, isn't she?" Hermione hummed her eyes sparkling with mischief as she noticed Harry watching her across the Great Hall.

"Yeah." He responded, "she really is."

"So why don't you just talk to her?" Ron asked shoving the rest of the pie into his mouth causing Hermione to roll her eyes and hand him a napkin. "Ask her if she ever ended up finding her cat."

"Maybe one day." Harry contemplated knowing that his luck with girls had not been going very good.

After a long and grueling practice in the pouring rain with Angelina, all Harry wanted to do was take a long hot shower and then climb into bed. Walking up the stairs to the bathroom, a flash of white and black raced across his feet. Which was followed by (y/n) running after it calling out Sundae's name.

Now was his chance. He took one of the shortcuts he learned from the Maurader's Map and managed to cut Sundae off. He reached out and scooped the hissing cat up. (y/n) had finally caught up to them and she took the cat away from Harry who stopped hissing.

"Is that what you were chasing the first time you ran into me?" He questioned as she stoked the cat and he let a couple of long purrs.

"Yeah," she nodded, "I usually let him roam around the castle during the day since he likes to visit the owls, but I prefer to keep him in the dorms when it rains."

"He likes to visit the owls?" Harry repeated unsure of what to think about a cat who likes to go and visit the owls. Harry and (y/n) stood there for a moment talking about Sundae and he was just about to build up his courage to ask her out but apparently something spooked the cat and he jumped out of her arms and raced towards the entrance of Hogwarts.

(y/n) took off after him and Harry followed as well. He figured the cat would be fine and just go to the Shrieking Shack, but he didn't want to have to explain to (y/n) how he knew what was under there.

He wasn't expecting her to run out into the rain, but after a moment she came back with a sopping wet Sundae who did not look too happy.

(y/n) had this look of triumph on her face, but it soon turned to horror when she heard Filch coming down the hallway. The both of them knew he was going to have a heart attack if he saw the mess that they made.

Harry grabbed her hand and rushed towards the Gryffindor common room leaving behind a cussing Filch.

"I have something in my trunk you can wear." Harry offered and (y/n) nodded her teeth chattering.

She was going to end up sick if she didn't get out of those clothes. (y/n) dropped Sundae on the ground and he went to stretch out with Crookshanks in front of the fire. When (y/n) was sure that he wasn't going anywhere, she followed him up into his dormitory.

While Harry was searching for something for her to wear, he could hear a faint plopping sound behind him. His face turned bright red when he realized that (y/n) were undressing. He very slowly turned around to see her patiently waiting there in her bra and underwear.

His eyes were very slowly wandering over her body which caused her to smirk a little. She jokingly mumbled, "pervert" before taking the Weasley sweater from Harry and slipping in over her head.

Then she gathered all of her wet clothing and took them out to lay in front of the fire while Harry took a shower and changed out of his Quidditch clothes.

Harry came down the stairs to see (y/n) sitting on the couch watching Crookshanks and Sundae playing on the rug. He couldn't but notice how good she looked in his clothes. He took a deep breath, this was his chance to make a move.

He sat down on the couch beside (y/n) and to her surprise, he then tossed an arm over her shoulder. She then took this as an invitation to snuggle into Harry.

"Thank you helping me catch Sundae and making sure I stayed out of Filch's way."

"Of course. You are very welcome."

"Hey Harry?" She inquired.


"You smell amazing." She replied causing him to chuckle. "And you're really cute." Then she let out a gasp and hoped off the couch. "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have said that, it's getting really late. I'm just gonna get Sundae and head back to my common room. I hope this doesn't change our friendship." She leaned down to scoop her cat up but Harry stopped her.

"Does it make you feel any better that I think you're pretty cute too." He realized that there was no going back. (y/n) just stared up at him not saying anything and before he could stop himself, he kissed her. When they pulled apart, (y/n) still had that look of shock on her face.

"Can I ask you something?" He questioned.

"Of course." She nodded looking down at the cats.

"Why did you name your cat Sundae?"

"Oh." She giggled clearly not expecting that question, "well he's black and white kinda like an ice cream sundae if it's vanilla and chocolate. Plus he has a bright red collar like a cherry."

"Well since I know that you like ice cream sundaes so much would you want to go to Florean Fortescue's some time with me?"

"Like as a date?" She perked up.

"Yes. As a date."

"I would love that Harry."

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