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It was eight more days until Valentines Day, and even after the huge difference, the curly headed boy was still excited about it. It was February sixth and Louis decided to take Harry for a walk, and not just in the hospital, but outside. 

"Lou, are you even sure weʻre allowed outside? Well, if Iʻm allowed outside?" Harry asked. 

"Nope, but I can." Louis stated, Harry laughed. 

"Louis! Iʻm gonna get in trouble because of you!" Harry giggled. "Where are we going anyways?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Youʻll see eventually." Louis challenged. 

"God, itʻs cold out here." Harry said after a few seconds of silence. 

"It is Winter after all," Louis replied and giggled. 

"Yeah, wish you cuddle me the cold away." Harry stated. 

"I wish I could too." Louis looked down to his shoes but continued his pace. 

"Where are we going anyways?" Harry asked as they were almost at the destination. 

"We... are going to make snow angels." Louis looked at the boy.

"Iʻve never made snow angels before," Harry confessed. 

"Really? Thatʻs sad." Louis said. It made Harry laugh. Harry wasnʻt a fan of snow, and every time it snowed somewhere else close, Harry didnʻt want to go with them and would rather sit home and watch TV. 

Louis stopped walking when they were both in a good stop to be in. You could see the hospital from here, in fact, they were right outside of the hospital. 

"You know how to make snow angels right?" Louis laid down. 

"I mean, of course I do, I see them in movies." Harry laid down beside him, five feet apart. 

"Alright then, if you need help, always ask me." Louis stated. He then started moving his arms and legs side to side, slowly forming a slow angel every sweep with his limbs. 

Harry rolled his eyes but couldnʻt help but smile, and followed his actions. They both formed a snow angel, Harry being slightly bigger than Louisʻ since he was a little bit taller than Louis. 

"Iʻm taller than you." Harry stated. 

"I am!" Louis snapped his head at Harry with a dirty playful look. 

"No youʻre not." Harry shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows, turning his head to the boy next to him. 

"Mhmm," Louis hummed. 

"Prove it." Harry said as he raised both of his eyebrows. 

"Fine." Louis stood up from his spot quickly, Harry following his actions. 

"We canʻt stay close, but you can clearly tell Iʻm taller." Louis raised his eyebrows, putting his hands on his hips and striking a sassy pose like a little girl. 

"Lou, youʻre being ridiculous," Harry rolled his eyes in a playful way. 

"No Iʻm not, you were the one who started it." Louis furrowed his eyebrows and turned the blame on Harry. 

"I know, I shouldʻve expected you to be competitive since you know Iʻm taller." Harry smiled and challenged. 

"You know what?" Louis bent down and cupped his hands into the snow, it formed into a snowball. 

"Louis, donʻt you dare." Harry said with a straight face but was too late and got hit in the face with the snowball Louis had made. 

"What was that, Haz? Couldnʻt hear you over the taste of defeat in your face!" Louis teased. 

Harry was quick to cup his hands into the snow, Louis following along, trying to be quicker, but Harry was quicker. Harry threw the snowball he had created and it hit Louis in the head making Louis raise his shoulders over pieces of snow falling into his hair and his back. 

"Got you!" Harry stuck his tongue out. 

"Not so long!" Louis threw the snowball back at Harry which made Harry put his hands up and turned his head away, trying to create a shield with his hands. It hit Harry in his hands, meaning his shielding worked. 

"Hah! How does the taste of defeat taste now, Lou?" Harry teased the boy which made Louis roll his eyes. 

"Harry? Louis?" The two boys snapped their head at the voice, uh oh. 

"Hey Myra..." Harry said with his guilty face. 

"What are you two doing? It is freezing outside, go back in! Go, go, go!" Myra motioned her hand for them to go back into the hospital. Both Louis and Harry looked at each other for a moment and back at Myra. They quickly jogged away from the area and towards the hospital. 

"You both are seriously in trouble. Harry, youʻre supposed to be in bed. And Louis, youʻre supposed to be taking your medication." Myra scolded them once they were in the hallways to their rooms.

"We were just trying to have fun." Louis looked down at his shoes. 

"Fun? You guys couldʻve been hurt or even worse! Touched! And Louis-"

"Iʻd rather die because of kissing Harry for the first time than to be alive and not being able to go near him, Myra. That is how much I love Harry! And honestly, I hate it too because Iʻm not even allowed to go close to the one person I love so much." Louis stated. You could see the tears forming into his eyes as he said truthfully, would he really do such a thing for his loved one? Louis quickly turned around and opened his door, shutting it along the way. 

Myra sighed, then looked at the boy, "Look at the power you hold." She straightened her lips and shook her head along.

Harry smiled, "I really want to touch him, Myra." Harryʻs voice cracked. 

"I know, Harry. But if you did, you would know what would happen. If he got the disease from you, it would create a bigger mess into his body and he could possibly die." Myra pulled a sad face at the boy. 

He knew she was right, she always was. But Louis loved Harry so much, he would die because they kissed than to be suffered not being able to touch Harry but still live. 

Love is a very strong thing, it could create something like Harryʻs and Louisʻ relationship. Would you, readers, do what Louis would do, or would you follow the rules and live, but still wouldnʻt be able to touch her or him? Iʻd say itʻs a tough question. 

"Iʻm going to bed, ʻnight Myra." Harry walked down the hallways, not hearing a response from Myra.

Harry closed his door, and could already feel the tears forming in his eyes. Harry wished he could somehow touch Louis, or be close by him, less than three feet. They could if it wasnʻt for Harryʻs disease, they could be touching each other. Of course, Louis doesnʻt blame the curly lad, but only blames himself, but who knows why?

Harry sighed as he fell onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. He needed to change, but he was so tired, he really needed a nap. 

To Tell A Lie || Larry Stylinson **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now