Twenty-two (Final)

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a/n: hi larries and fellow directioners! Please play the video above ^^^ once you see the (*). thank you for reading. 

Harry was asleep for half of the day and he had totally forgotten about Valentines being today. 

"Harry!" Louis furrowed his eyebrows at the sleeping boy. Harry woke up. 

"Iʻm up!" Harry looked around. 

Louis laughed, "Guess what day it is?" Louis waited for a reply, but didnʻt get one. "Itʻs Valentines Day!" He put his hands up in the air as Harry smiled and laughed as he threw his head back. 

"I forgot!" Harry pointed the obvious. 

"We can see that." Louis said, striking a sassy pose. 

"Donʻt you sassy me." Harry furrowed his eyebrows. 

"I can sassy you whenever I like." Louis sassed, Harry rolled his eyes in a playful way. 

"Louis?" Eve popped her head through the doorway and looked around for Louis. 

"Yeah?" Louis turned his head around. 

"I need to talk to you, itʻs about... you know what." Eve said, Louis understood quickly and walked to her area. 

"Where are you going?" Harry frowned. 

"She needs to talk to me and my parents." Louis frowned. 

"Oh, ok." Harry tried to smile, he didnʻt wanna push the topic further. 

Louis waved to Harry and left the room. 

Harry was sad, of course, so he just slept the day away.


"Harry," Harry heard someone call for him in his dream. 

"Wake up," he heard another voice. 

He fluttered his eyes opened and took some moments to readjust his sight. 

"You awake?" He heard a laugh. 

"Kind of?" He said. 

"Well wake up, we have a surprise for you," the person said. 

"Myra?" Harry asked. 

"Yup, thatʻs me." She smiled, now you could see her and some other people above his bed, Gemma, his mom and dad.  

"Whatʻs going on?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows. 

He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. Once he his sight was good enough to look, he looked around the room. 

It was in his room, it was covered in hearts, confetti, love notes, roses scattered on the floor, and so many Valentines decoration. 

"Louis has a surprise for you." His mom spoke up. 

The room went dark for a moment before LED stars were shown on the roof. 


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