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"Nine more days, Lou!" Harry was excited for Valentines and the boy himself didnʻt even know why. 

"Why are you so excited?" Louis laughed. 

"Well maybe itʻs cause I get to spend the whole day with you watching romantic comedies together!" Harry said. 

Louis laughed at him. The both of them were wearing masks, still in Harryʻs room. Myra had stated that Harry needed to be in his bed, and right now he should be asleep but decided to talk to Louis until he fell asleep, wishing he was in Louisʻ arms. 

"Eve just texted me." Louis stood up as he stared at his phone. 

"I get it, Iʻll see you in a bit then?" Harry stated. 

"Of course, bye love!" Louis waved. 

"Bye, Lou bear!" Harry joked making Louis chuckle.

Harry felt his phone vibrate, meaning he was getting a call. 

He picked up his phone that laid next to him and checked his phone to see who was calling him, Liam, it said on the contacts. 

"Hey Liam, howʻs everything?" Harry asked. 

"Everthingʻs going good, Zaynʻs slightly getting better." Harry smiled. 

"It was hard moving on," he stated. 

"It was." The both of them stayed silent, brining Niall into their memories. 

"So... Howʻs your relationship going with Louis?" Liam broke the silence. 

"Itʻs good, he keeps leaving me though, like, he said his doctor keeps him on a schedule to do his meds." Harry frowned. 

"Donʻt have second thoughts, Iʻm sure this Louis of yours is a great guy, I mean, look at all the stuffed animals he gave you, and maybe made you more shit that you didnʻt show me." Liam was a great friend, a great guy. Harry always looked up to the three of them since each and one of them had a mind of their owns to cheer someone up when theyʻre feeling down. 

"Youʻre defiantly right, thanks Liam." Harry smiled, although, Liam couldnʻt see his smile. 

"Anytime, hey, ask Louis if he could stitch me one of his embroideries." Liam joked which made Harry laugh hard. 

"Alright, I will make sure to ask him." Harry said in between the giggles and laughter. 

"Mʻkay, bye Harry." Liam said. 

"Bye, Liam!" Harry smiled. 

Harry got up from his bed, totally ignoring Myraʻs favor. He went onto his desk and stared at the embroidery hoop for a while. "Should I make Lou one?" They boy thought to himself. He grabbed the embroidery that was left on his desk quickly and got all the stitching supplies. The hoop, the scissors, the fabric, the thread, and using his imagination for the pattern designs. He was good at thinking of patterns for stitching, so he didnʻt need a physical paper like everyone else did, it was like a gift from God. 

It took the boy around four hours to do this, and it was really good. It takes people around ten hours for bigger pieces, and three hours for a smaller piece. Harry created a somewhat big piece. He loved his work of art, it was so good to the point he knew it belonged in a museum. Harryʻs a fast learner in things like these because he was bored all the time in the hospital, so he didnʻt have much to do besides talk to Louis, but of course, Louis had other things to do like treatment and taking pills on a daily. 

It got the curly lad thinking if it was all just a lie and Louis really did want to just be alone and not be unbothered, but it doesnʻt sound like Louis at all. Over the past few weeks, every time Louis would come to visit Harry, his eyes would be puffy and red, and sometimes, he would wear sunglasses to hide the pain. He wasnʻt being slick doing that, and of course, Harry always knew why, he cried all the time, but he never knew why. 

Harry had to think of some why to give Louis this without being boring and just giving him the art and walk away. No, he couldnʻt possibly do that. He wanted to be romantic. 

After some thinking, he decided to give him the gift on Valentines, the perfect timing to give someone such a piece of art of love. 

Harry walked back to his bed and slept the night away. 

To Tell A Lie || Larry Stylinson **COMPLETED**Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum