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The days were slowly ending, taking forever to get to Valentines already, and Harry couldnʻt wait any longer. 

It was already 6:04 pm and he hasnʻt talk to or seen Louis at all today since Harry was forbidden to see him after Myra had specifically told him he couldnʻt see him and it was better that way. 

Harry also forbid himself to talk to Myra, although since sheʻs his doctor, he wouldnʻt talk nicely to her. He was still mad at her for not letting Harry see Louis at all and does she really expect him to actually follow that rule? Of course not, Harry needed to see Louis wether she liked it or not. 

He didnʻt do anything all day, just watched videos on his phone and listened to music and stared at his ceiling. This is a hospital, so there isnʻt much to do in a hospital if you were here on a daily. Besides, Harry was needed in bed and not out walking a lot, so he couldnʻt do anything even if he wanted to. The only thing he wanted to do was to wish Louis would pop out of nowhere and see Harry. 

Eve and or Myra had probably told Louis not to visit me anymore, so there wasnʻt any luck sadly. 

Although, Myra did give Harry a notebook to write down his goals and feelings on there. Harry stood up from his bed slowly, making sure not to get a headache or a head rush on his way to his desk. Once he made it safely to his desk, he sat down and began writing. 

"Dear diary,

              Donʻt you hate it when you love someone to the point where youʻre forbidden to see them at all? Like, isnʻt it such bullshit? Like, you love them so much, that one person, and you find out youʻre damn disease really hates love and decides that youʻre not allowed to be near or even touch the person. It could be love at first sight, and then you donʻt see them again, you know how that feels right? Right, itʻs the same damn thing with me, but mines worse because you have the chance to talk to that person, but you didnʻt take it and you took it for granted, and for me, I also have the chance, if I want to let that person die. 

             Obviously Iʻm a nice person so I donʻt go near anyone and keep my distance, which, in my case, is fucking sad, but thatʻs life am I right?

              You have to do all of these things to try and live, just to find out youʻre gonna die in the end. All of this bullshit and you die as the reward. You donʻt even get to pick wether you get to go to heaven or hell, you just go and the gods put you in one of the groups without your consent. 

               Mans donʻt even have a chance in the afterlife, itʻs like weʻre dying all over again, but we canʻt die again, so weʻre living the same pain over and over again, and thereʻs no stopping. There isnʻt any afterlife after the afterlife, you stay in the same afterlife like what you do in real life but you have literally no one and itʻs worse. So what Iʻm trying to say is, donʻt take your life for granted and actually do shit out there and not just sit around and do nothing like you have all the time in your life. You donʻt even get to know how or when you die, that, right there, is the meanest thing you could ever know in your life. I mean, you donʻt even know if youʻre gonna get stabbed or jump off a cliff in order to die, you just canʻt. 

              What Iʻm trying to say is, go out there and do shit, I can see you scrolling on your phone and thinking you can do your chores the next day, no. You donʻt know if youʻre gonna die tomorrow, so...

                                                                                             - H x"

"Was that good enough?" Harry thought to himself. 

Once he had read over the things he had just wrote, he just left it there and closed his notebook. 

Harry was gonna skip dinner again tonight, besides, he wasnʻt even hungry in the first place. So instead, the boy decided to sleep the night again, dreaming the same dream he always gets every other night. 

To Tell A Lie || Larry Stylinson **COMPLETED**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن