Chapter 5

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Me and sweet pea got to our fifth hour and there was the new girl.
The teacher paired us up in two and paired sweet pea and her together. She was being really flirty with him. He really didn't notice. I look at him and got up.
The teacher looked up and saw me.

"Lil please sit down" he said.

"I gotta go" I said walking out the room with my stuff. I text JugHead and he gets out of class. We meet together outside my class. That's when sweet pea walks out.

I didn't see him.

"Malachai texted me jug"
"Did you tell sweet pea"
"I can't" I said right back.
"Why" he asked confused. I hand him my phone and he reads the messages.

"Lil you can't do that" he said.
"What else am I supposed to do"

"Your going to break his heart if you do"
"That's better than him getting killed" I said with tears in my eyes. Jug looks at me then looks up and sees sweet pea.
"Hey sweet pea" jug said.
I whip my tears and look up.

"What's wrong" he asked me
"I'm fine" I said walking away.

"Lil" jug said.
"I'm going to get Toni. I need her right now" I yelled.

I walk into Tonis class and she looks up and sees me crying. She gets all her stuff and walks out.

"What's wrong baby" she said.
I hand her the phone and she reads it. When she's done she looks up at me.

"I have to do it" I said.
"I can't let him die.. I just can't" I said right after.
"I know"

" I have a plan" she said.

We start to walk back to my class and see JugHead outside.
"Where's sweets" Toni said.
"In the class"
Me and Toni walk into the class and see that the new girl is trying to kiss Sweet pea. I look at them and sweet pea looks up. I have tears in my eyes.
I was about to walk out until I got a call.

"Hey beautiful" Malachai.
"What do you want" I said. You could tell I was about to cry.
"What's wrong love" he asked.

"None of your damn business" I said.
He was about to say something but I did first.

"If we do this. You can't touch him or anyone else" I said.

"No"! Toni yelled. I look at her.

"Deal" I said.

"Deal" he said right back.
We hang up and I look at Toni.

"Why did you do that" she screamed at me.
"Who was that" sweet pea said.
I look at him and then turn around and see JugHead.

"He's bad trouble Lil and you being his queen is worst" he said.


Toni comes behind me and turns me around.
She holds my face In her hands.

"Baby Girl.. we could've made a plan to take him down" she said.
"I don't want him to hurt sweets and I know he would because he's my weak spot.. he knows that would hurt me the most" I said to her.

"I will do everything to get you out of this, ok" she said.
"I promise" she said right after.
I nod my head.
"Just don't tell Fangs" I said.
"Tell him I went out of town for awhile to deal with something, please" I said.
"Ok" Toni said.
I look over at jug and run into his arms.

"Please" I said.
"I'm going to get you out of this mess" he said.
I hug him and he hugs me back tight.
"She might be bright but your the sun" I said to him.
I look at him and he starts to cry.

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