Chapter 35

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It has been a few weeks and now it's the week of Christmas. Not just a week but tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Fiona has been here since last week and we have been hanging out. Right now I'm getting sweet pea his last gift.
"What should I get him" Fiona asked me.
"I'm sorry" I asked.
"I haven't got sweet pea his gift yet" she said. My eyes pop out.
"Girl what! Christmas Eve is tomorrow" I said. She giggles.
"I don't know, maybe a hoodie that I'll like" I said.
"For I can take it" I giggled. She laughs.
"Yeah maybe" she said back.
"What do you have to get him" she asked. I smile.
"Well I'm actually getting him a ring, the one he has on right now that I gave him just doesn't feel right. So I'm getting him a new one" I said. She smiles.
We stay out shopping all day until it was around 4 or 5.
"Hey imma head home" i said.
"Oh ok, I promise Reggie I'll go to pops with him" she said.
"Reggie as I'm Reggie Mantle" I asked..
"Yeah" she said.
"Oh. Ok be safe" I said. I didn't want to tell her the accident that happened with him. She leaves and I go to the trailer.
"Baby" I called out. I walk into the room and see sweet pea asleep. I smile and I walk up to him. I kiss his lips softly. He hums and I giggle.
"Princess" he groans.
"Hi baby" i whispered back. He smiles and he pulls me onto him.
"How was your day kitten" he asked half asleep.
"It was good, what about you" I asked.
"Boring without you" he said. I kiss him.
"Well I'm sorry but it's going to be more boring, I have to leave in like an hour" I said. He groans.
"Why" he said.
"Last minute wrapping" I said. He just pulls me close to him.
"Why don't you hang out with fangs" I said.
"Yeah" he said back. I kiss him.
"Come on baby, wake up" I said. I slightly pull away.
"Wanna take a shower with me" I asked. He nods his head. It got really cold in the trailer ever since the wether changed. I get up and start the water. Maybe like 2 minutes later sweet pea walks in. I strip and so does he. We walk into the shower and he holds me.

"Do you have to leave" he asked.
"Yes baby, I do" I said back. He groans.
"It's only for tonight, I'll be back tomorrow" I said.
"But I don't think you will be able to see me until tomorrow night because we have to set up" I said. He rolls his eyes.
"You can always just text me" I said.
"Yeah" he said back. I kiss his neck and we take a shower. Once I get out I feel the cold air hit my skin. I whimper and dry myself off. I put on underwear and a sports bra. I then grab one of sweet peas hoodies and also some of his sweats which are way to big for me. Me bing a short person and him being a giant doesn't fit well together.
"You look so cute" he said. I roll my eyes and we kiss.
"I have to go" whispered. He whines.
"Your sister won't be coming over either, she's with us tonight" I said.
"Ok" he said back. I smile and kiss him again. He grabs the back of my neck to make sure I don't pull away. I smile against his lips and we finally pull away.
"Call you later tonight baby, I love you" I said.
"I love you too" he said with a pout face. I smile and kiss him again.
"Bye baby" i whispered.
"Bye princess" he said back. I then walk out and go to my trailer. Once I get there I already see Toni in the car waiting. I get in and we leave to Cheryls which where everyone is already there.
Tonight is the last night we could do this. We are watching Christmas movies, eating of course, and wrapping the last gifts we need to wrap.

"Archie didn't want me to leave" Veronica said to me.
"Sweet pea didn't want me to leave also, he's such a big baby" I giggled.
"So is Archie. They act so tough but they aren't" she said. I laugh.
"I know right" I said.
"The pizza is here" Toni said. We turn on Christmas movies and chat while we eat.

Once we were done eating we start to finish wrapping. We wrapped our gifts and watching Christmas movies all night.
It's Christmas Eve! Sweet pea did text me last night. We woke up early and got ready. I wore a bright red dress and my black high heals. My hair is curled and my lip color is also red. Once we got done getting dressed we start to get ready for tonight. I was half way done and I still haven't talked to sweet pea, he hasn't answer the texts and the phone calls.
"Hey I'll be right back" I yelled to them. I grab a big fluffy white jacket and I walk out and go to the Whyte Wyrm. I get there and look around and I don't see him.
"Hey have you seen sweet pea" I asked one of his friends.
"Yeah, he was just here" he said back. He's a really bad lier. I roll my eyes and then ask one of the strippers.
"Has sweet pea been here" I asked.
"No girl, hasn't been here today" she said back.
"Thanks" I said back. Why would someone lie about that. It's a dumb reason.
I then leave to his trailer. I see a random car there and also Fionas. I don't think about it and walk into the trailer.
Once I walk in there I see a girl? She's in one of sweet peas shirts and no pants. She has cuts and bruises everywhere on her thighs and waist. But I then see big dark hickeys on her neck. Rage took over me. She looked like she just got done with ruff sex.
With the only boy here, sweet pea.

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