𝖔𝖎𝖐𝖆𝖜𝖆 𝖙𝖔𝖔𝖗𝖚

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please me

[ Oikawa and y/n's penthouse ]
"Hey y/n we're joining my family's reunion tomorrow" Oikawa said. "And let's buy our formal clothes together later, we both don't have any formal clothes right?"

"Yeah we don't Oikawa. My formal clothes are at the studio. Formal? I bet your family's rich" you teased him nudging his waist while you continue folding the clothes from laundry.

"Actually, some are but some are just average like my family" he smiled while he placed his chin on your shoulder. "They will like you"

"Mhm, your mom and dad likes me. So they will like me too" you gave him a huge confident smile. You're always good in meeting relatives since you're a popular news caster in Japan.

"Duh, you're famous after all that's why they like you" he rolled his eyes like a girl.

Sometimes, I just want to pluck this pretty boy's eyelashes. I'm getting jealous everytime. You said to yourself.

"I will take a bath. Are you coming?" he teased and still using his iconic peace sign everytime he's teasing you.

"You go first, sis. I have a lot of clothes to fold" you rolled your eyes at him. He crawled back to the bed and gave you a peck.

"Yeah whatever, we'll leave at 2 okay?" you nodded as an answer to him.

He removed his clothes before entering the restroom since he is a teasing machine. You got used to it seeing his great build, large muscles, six pack abs and v-line.

You finished folding your and Oikawa's clothes when he got out of the shower.

"Your turn babe" he said as he dries his hair with a towel "Leave those clothes to me"

He hands you your towel, but teases you again. He placed your towel above his head so you can't reach it.

"Oikawa stop acting like a child just give me my towel" you got easily annoyed but he knows which 'serious' and 'not serious' annoyed are you.

"You're not annoyed" he smirked "Take off your clothes here before you enter the shower"

You just follow what he wants, you can't deny that you like his teasing too.

You slowly removed your top in front of him, you faced backward and bend your body while you remove your sweatpants and undies.

You teased him by handing him your underwear and asked him to give you your towel. He was speechless.

"Next time, stop teasing me if you don't want to be speechless" you smiled. "And, take care of your guy over there"

You pointed his erected bulge. It is huge. You're always astonished by Oikawa's length.

"Stop staring, I'll handle it by myself" he emphasized the word myself. He doesn't get tired of teasing you huh.

You finished taking a bath and wore your favorite casual outfit while Oikawa on the other side of the walk in closet is struggling to find clothes.

"It's already 2 babe" you scolded him while you prepare your shoulder bag "Just wear anything we're just gonna buy clothes"

"I'm not looking for an outfit" he sighed "I'm looking for this"

He showed you a box of.. vibrator?

"What was that for? And wear your clothes already" you walked out of the closet but Oikawa pulls you "Don't tell me"

"Just this once" he said "Please babe"

"Baka" you cursed at him.

He still looked at you really wanting to insert a toy inside you.

𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖞𝖚 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙𝖘 // pleasureWhere stories live. Discover now