Plus Boy - English Lyrics

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(If you use these lyrics, please credit me! Youtube: AshleyTheFighter) :>


The girl next door in the other class has such a pretty hot smile!

Such a pretty girl with a kind nature; so fine~  ("She's so Cute!!")

No- no no- I don't like you in that way but I guess I do in some

I just can't help my eyes following your features and more- Sorry!

So maybe I'm in love or just a little horny, I can't help it!

I can't memorize what I'm doing, what subject is this even again??

I want you to factor (Pick me pick me!)

Focus and start adding formulas (Add Add!)

It's come to this, finding derivatives, go!

Inside you, directly, leaving nothing behind,

I'm Summmmmiiiiiiiiinnnnggg!

Ha haaa ha, your so cute...ahh So cute.... haaa

(Stop! What are you doing? I said stop! I Told you to stop!)

Y-yes Ma'ma

Sh- sh- sh-

Shoot it out with a sigh of relief

as I totally have perfect self-restraint with these hot girls~

Cause I keep riding on the high of being horny, my sex drive keeps flying on

higher and higher and higher and higher

Your so fucking-

Start undressing, will you?

Show me more, why don't chu?

Get down low; Seduce me, Let me be enticed tonight

But hold on, hold on- in the end I can't

hold back I can't help seeing you like that.

Why is it so hard to not stay good?


Somebody that I like, this really hot 3rd year, adultlike, hot classmate

My racing heart goes completely nuts-

If only I could get close to your face I would.. (aahn)

Sneaking a peek at your breasts complimenting your uniformed skirt, the best!

I get caught but I don't mind-

"What are you looking at???"

My punishment is rewarding enough

Dinner tonight with some seafood? (Yes, Yes!)

Pork stir fry with dressing? (Yes, Yes!)

Leading coefficient with a graph of any quadratic equation, Pi r squared?

formulas, youth and desires, convex up there and curve down there-

I can't stop my natural instinct- Fuck!

Shit! Shit! Fuck my life!

"So who's your favorite?"

"Uhh... Ummm... well...-"

"Come on choose!"

"I guess, uhh both?"

Both: "What?"

"I thought 2 was better than one!"

"You little-"

Sh- sh- sh-

Shoot it out with a sigh of relief

as I totally have perfect self-restraint with these hot girls

Cause I keep falling off on the high of being horny, my thoughts still move

higher and higher and higher and higher

Oh my fucking-

Keep on going, will you?

More and more, why don't chu?

Raise your voice; just trust me- I can most likely stop

But hold on, hold on- with the end my heart

is beating crazily- I can't help myself

My age is the perfect time for these thoughts

Just show a bit, hey

Show me a bit, more

Just show a bit, c'mon

"What are you talking about?"

Just show a bit, hey
("Are you serious?")

Show me a bit, more
("You're so weird.")

Just a little bit-

Wanna go out tonight?


Stand, Bow, Bow, Stand, Sit down

Stand, Bow, Bow, Sit down, Stand

Sit down, Bow, Bow, Sit down, Sit down

Sit down, Stand, Bow, Bow, Bow, Bow, Bow, Bow, Bow, Stand

Everyone say grace, all together now!


Enjoy your meal and thank you very much!

Goodbye Math class, see you tomorrow- no work!

Teacher, everyone-

the great opinkosu!


Sh- sh- sh-

Shoot it out with a sigh of relief

as I totally have perfect self-restraint with these hot girls~

Cause I keep riding on the high of being horny, my sex drive keeps flying on

higher and higher and higher and higher

Your so fucking-

Start undressing, will you?

Show me more, why don't chu?

Get down low, Seduce me; Let me be enticed tonight

But hold on, hold on- in the end I can't

hold back I can't help seeing you like that.

Why is it so hard to not stay good?

P - L - U - S - B - Plus Boy Me!

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