The Crash

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Kendall's POV 

Today me and my friends are going on vacation. This trip is well needed, this school year has been draining the fuck out of me. Its a good thing I'm 18 and never have to go back. 

I was doing the 78th look around to make sure I'm not forgetting anything.

Knock, knock

I look at the door and see my mom.

"Hey mom." 

I turn back to my suitcase and close it, but I struggled because i tend to over pack. But i'd rather be over packed then be under packed. At least that's what I tell myself anyways. 

"You ready?" 

"Almost." I get the bag closed and jump up clapping my hands together. 

"Alright, i'll get your father to bring your bag downstairs."

 "Thank you."

She smiled then walked out of my room. If only she knew. My mom wants me to go to a good collage and find a pretty boy to marry. I mean I could find a pretty boy and marry him but the part i'm most afraid of is telling my mom that I don't want to go to college. And that there could be a chance that i may find a pretty girl to marry. I feel like i'm disappointing her. But i'm not going to change who I am. Not for anyone.

My father came in my room and grabbed my suitcase. I walked behind him going down the stairs. 

Once he moved from in front of me I saw my best friends Jackie and Claudia. oh, this vacation is going to be fun. 

I ran to them and tackled both of them at the same time. We all went flying to the floor giggling. 

"You ready to go? the uber is here." We all nodded 

I walked up to my mom and gave her a big hug. 

"I love you." 

"I love you to sweetie. Don't do anything stupid." 

"I won't" smiling when I turned around because I knew that i was lying. 

I gave my dad a hug and walked out the door. We got all our bags in the car and got into the vehicle. When we felt the car start to move we all look at each other. 

"You hoes ready to do this?" Jackie teased

"Hell yeah!" I yelled making both of them laugh.

We got to the boarding area just in time. We noticed some other people, but not to many. 

We took our seats, and heard the captain announce that we were taking off. 

I'm not the best with planes so I brought my headphones. Jackie and Claudia both fell asleep right off the bat. 

Its been about half of the flight when there was some commotion. I took my headphones off and tried to listen to find out what was happening. I heard screaming so I woke up Jackie. 

"Jackie, Jackie. Wake up, please." I begged

"what!?" she whisper yelled 

" People are screaming and its freaking me out." I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks. I hate airplanes!

"Hey, its ok. Hold on, I'll go see whats up." I nodded and watched her walk down the small path

When she was gone I focused on my breathing

Only I did that for no reason, when Jackie came running back towards me with a terrified looking expression. 

"What?!" I yelled"

"Um, if I tell you this please don't freak out." 


I heard moving so I looked over to see Claudia sitting up waiting to hear what Jackie has to say. I'm guessing she woke up sometime when I was trying to breath. 

I looked back at Jackie, getting impatient when she wasn't speaking. 

"Well?!" I yelled

"B-Billie Eilish is on this plane!" she yelled jumping up and down. 

"Fuck you, you made me think something was wrong."  I said throwing myself back onto the seat. 

I sighed and put my headphones back on. 

Its been out an hour since Jackie almost gave me a heart attack. I took off my headphones, they were giving me a headache. It was silent since everyone was sleeping. I heard ticking but didn't think anything of it. 

The next thing I know is there was a blast of hot air hitting my face. There was a loud boom, but after that I couldn't hear anything but a loud ring. 

I looked out the window and saw the ground coming closer and closer to me. Everyone was screaming, and this time its not because Billie Eilish is on this plane. At this moment I knew this was the end.

I looked over to Jackie and Claudia to see them looking at me. 

I mouthed 'I love you' before I was jerked and my head hit the seat hard. All I heard was a loud crash before I was met with darkness. 

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