I'd Never Forget You

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Y/N's POV:

My eyes flutter open to the sunlight flooding in through the window. I wake up to his arms wrapped around me. Holding me. Protecting me. I feel safe in his arms.

I shift my body so I'm facing him careful to not wake him. His toned chest rising up and down rhythmically as he was breathing. His brown curls a mess from sleeping. Although I couldn't see them I knew that they were there. His dark chocolate eyes that stared deep into my soul.

Today was our two year anniversary. Two years I'd been with the love of my life. Although it had only been two years I felt like I couldn't live without him. Whenever Tom was in another part of the world filming it felt like my heart was somewhere else. Like someone had dragged a part of me away.

I kissed his forehead lightly and wriggled to escape his grasp. Trying not to wake him. I searched on the floor for one of his hoodies and threw it on. As I tiptoed out the door the floor boards creaked and I turned my head to see my perfect boyfriend still in a peaceful slumber.

I'd decided to make him breakfast for our anniversary. By the time I got downstairs I'd settled on making pancakes. It was our favourite. I searched through the cupboards finding the ingredients I needed. Soon a sweet aroma was filling the room. On a plate I'd put both maple syrup and fresh berries. Not quite sure on which Tom would fancy this morning.

Soon enough it was ready and I made my way back upstairs. I opened the door to see him sat up in the crisp white bed scrolling on his phone. As I walked in our eyes met and we both smiled. I still couldn't get used to looking into his eyes. They gave me butterflies every single time.

'What's this for love?'

'Just wanted to do something special to start of the day. So I made pancakes,' I said beaming.

He shuffled in bed slightly allowing room for me to put the try of food down. Tom was away for our one year anniversary so I wanted to make the day special for us. For him.

'I took the day off work so we can spend the day together.'

'Why'd you take the day of work Y/N/N?' he questioned.

I looked at him puzzled for a second whilst he was shoving warm pancakes into his mouth.

'I wanted to spend the day with you Tom.'


Oh? What did he mean by oh. I hadn't forgotten our anniversary. Had he?

'I'm spending the day with Harrison darling. He wanted me to come with him to a photoshoot. Is that ok?'

He had forgotten. He'd forgotten our anniversary. He knew how much this day meant to me. Especially because we couldn't spend it together last year. I pretended like it didn't bother me. I didn't want to ruin his day now that mine was ruined.

I just nodded at him and we finished the meal I'd made. There wasn't too much conversation. I didn't feel like making conversation with the man who'd forgotten about me.

After I'd finished my meal a text pinned into my phone from my best friend B/F/N.

'I'm going to get my nails done today with B/F/N and then go shopping. Should be back around 7 is that ok?'

'Of course darling. You go get ready and I'll clean up here before I leave to meet Haz.'

He lightly pecked my lips and I got up to go get ready. As I walked away I felt like bursting into tears. I shouldn't be upset, but I am. It wasn't his fault he forgot. I knew Tom had a lot on his mind.

I got myself ready trying not to make eye contact with him. Not speaking. However I did yell 'I love you,' before I left the house. We still did this even if we were in an argument. I didn't matter how bad things were between us. We both always had to tell the other we loved them.

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