Take Care of You

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I woke up and got the familiar pang of pain in my stomach. The headache starting and the sick feeling creeping up on me. I made my way to the bathroom and my thoughts were conformed. 

My monthly daily dose of hell was back. Back to tell my that once again I wasn't pregnant. I couldn't be arsed to go through five days of period hell. But then realistically who can. I mean who wants to feel terrible for days. 

I took a quick shower, put in a tampon, changed into clean comfy clothes and then crawled back into bed. Luckily I hadn't bled onto the sheets overnight. So that saved me a job of trying to change them. 

I glanced at the clock and it was only 8am. Tom had already left early this morning because he had to go into work so I was alone until he got back. And all I really wanted right now was my boyfriend. 

I was hungry so I decided to order breakfast as it would cooking which I wasn't the best at. So I made my self a hot water bottle, took some paracetamol to try and ease the pain and got back into bed waiting for my food to arrive. 

I spent the rest of my day crying at some film and decided to continuing watching Grey's Anatomy. Which wasn't the best idea. As I cry at that show even when I'm not emotional. 

It was around 3pm when I heard the door slam and a voice call out, 'Darling I'm home.' 

Tom was back. I just needed his comfort right now. I felt like utter shit and the only thing that could possibly cheer me up right now was Tom. The door to our bedroom opened and Tom stood in the door way and sighed. 


'Hell,' I nodded pouting my bottom lip. 

'Can I get you anything sweetheart?' 

'Hot water bottle and cuddles please.'

He smiled and shook his head at me. 'I'll be right back.' 

Tom came back five minutes later with a hot water bottle and some chocolate, giving them to me before getting into bed besides me. I snuggled up close to him. Wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my head into his chest, our legs intertwined togethering. Breathing in his calming familiar scent. He started to stroke my hair comforting me. Causing me to slowly drift off to sleep. 

I woke up a few hours later to Tom no longer in bed next to me. 

'Tom?' I called out. 

He emerged from en suite. 'I've ran you a bath. Thought it might help,' he smiled. 

I looked at him with complete admiration and love. Every month he always did little things like this for me. Always doing that little bit extra that I never even asked for. Doing it because he wanted to and knowing that it would make me feel better. 

I felt as I was going to cry. I didn't deserve him. He did so much for me. 

'Darling are you going to cry?' 

I nodded my head. 'Why?' he laughed. 

'Because I don't deserve you,' I shook my head a tear rolling down my face. 

He pulled me into him, wrapping his arms around me and kissed my head. 

'Have you're bath and maybe you won't be so dramatic.' 

I looked up at him and frowned. He kissed me lightly. 

'Love you.' 

'I love you too Tom.' 

By the time I finished my bath I was feeling a bit better and it had some what eased my cramps. But not entirely. I walked out the bathroom to see Tom sat on the bed. With takeout Chinese and my favourite film ready to play. I couldn't be anymore in love with this man. He was perfect. Everything I could've every asked for. 

'Sit,' he smiled. 

We spent the next few hours eating, mixed with me crying at the film. Which each time ended with Tom laughing at me as I was crying at parts that were no way sad. After we had eaten once again I fell asleep wrapped in Tom's arms. Hell may happen once a month. But at least with Tom it was somewhat bearable. 

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