Years Apart (Part 1)

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High school. The best times of your life. Spending days laughing with friends. Breaking every rule you can. Living your life to the fullest. The only time in your life when you can be truly care free before you enter the workplace and have to start a career. For some that career might be just a standard 9-5 office job. Nothing exciting. But then there's always those select few that won't accept the 9-5 life. They wanted something more for their life. 

I was one of those. The thought of an office job made me sick to my stomach. That's why in high school I decided to start a modelling career. And to my luck it had taken off. I moved to LA six months after I graduated. It was the best decision for my career. I'm glad I made it. I now was a Victoria's Secret angel and had walked in the Paris, London and New York fashion week. I was truly living my dream. 

However I only had one regret moving to LA. Those people you spend your care free days with I regret losing touch with them. We had the best times of our lives together. And I hadn't seen either Tom or Harrison in about 6 years. 

However they were also part of the few that wanted something more than that office job. Tom was thriving in his career as an actor. Harrison he was slowly but surely making his way up as well. Even though I hadn't seen either of them in a while I was so incredibly proud of the boys. After all we had known each other since we were little. I'd grown up with them. 

I was coming home for a few weeks as I didn't have any jobs and I missed London. I barley spent any time there now a days and I wanted to see my family. I still had a place in the city so it was easy for me to visit. I just never did as I was always too busy with work. 

Tom and Harrison were also going to be in the city at the same time. Which hadn't happened since we were all 18. Harrison and I still texted each other every so often. Tom and I not so much. We were together in high school but had decided to end it when I moved to LA. Knowing that it'd be too difficult for us to maintain a long distance relationship. It broke me. I had never loved someone the way I loved Tom. 

Every single relationship I had after him didn't come close. No one would ever make me feel the way that Tom made me feel. No one made me as happy. As giddy. No one could make me laugh as much. And maybe after all these years Tom was still in the back of my mind. So every relationship I had been in was destined to fail. 

I was planning on surprising Tom when I was back in London. Harrison knew I was coming. He'd texted me the address of his apartment and I was on my way there know. I softly knocked on the door waiting for it to open. The nerves building up inside me. We he opened the door the nerves vanished. This sense of comfort washing over me. 

'Haz,' I squealed as the boy stood in the door way before picking me up hugging me. 'Ahhhhh I've missed you so much.' 

'It's so good to see you Y/N/N.' He put me down from his hug. 'How have you been?' he questioned as I stepped inside. 

'Good. Missed London though. How's acting going?' 

'Good it's just been slow starting. But I feel like it's finally getting going now.' 

Haz and I sat and talked before Tom was coming round so I could surprise him. Talking with Harrison felt like old times. I forgot how much I missed him. Just being in his presence. The boy was my best friend. 

'So Tom should be round any minute now,' he smiled. 'When was the last time you saw him?' 

'Erm when we broke up,' I sighed. 'How was he after the breakup.' 

'He was upset, you both were. But he was ok I guess.' 

I nodded my head unsure of what to say next. There was a knock at Harrisons door. It would be Tom. 'Can I open it,' I squealed. 

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