I'm No Zendaya

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Tom and I had been dating for around 3 months. Last week we had decided to announce our relationship on instagram. 

It had been a weird week for me. I had suddenly gained a load of new followers. Some famous some not. News stories coming out about our relationship. It was weird getting all this media attention. I wasn't used to it. 

Tom saw it was overwhelming me a bit and tried to help. But what he didn't see was the comments and the messages. 

I didn't want him to see them. I didn't want him to worry. I knew it was just people hiding behind a scrowever it didn't mean that it didn't hurt. 

People telling me to kill myself. That I'm not good enough for Tom. That I'm ugly. Yes the amount of nice comments I got outweighed the bad. However all I could seem to find was the bad comments. Even press stories pilling on with the hate. Saying they were surprised that he wasn't with somebody famous. I felt like they were degrading me. Calling me worthless. Some even comparing me to Zendaya. 

Today was one of those days where I couldn't stop reading the hate comments. I was sat in bed scrolling through my phone. Tears rolling down my face. 

I only read them when Tom was at work like he was today. I didn't want him to see me like this. I threw my phone to the end of the bed and let out a sigh. Tears still rolling down my face. Maybe I was fat and I was ugly. Maybe he did deserve someone better. I was starting to believe the comments.  I was nothing like Zendaya. After all his entire fanbase wanted them to be together. 

I was lost in my own thoughts until I heard the door slam. I quickly grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 2.17pm. 

'Hiya love. I got wrapped early,' Tom called from downstairs. 

Tom was supposed to come round to mine later. 

'Where are you?' 

'In my bedroom Tommy.' 

Shit. I didn't want him to see that I had been crying. I quickly wiped my tears from my face and looked into my phone camera. There was nothing I could do about my puffy eyes. I'd just blame it on my allergies. Again. The door creaked open and Tom walked in. His hair was messed up. How I liked it. He also had a bit of blood on his cheek. He had clearly been doing stunts at work. 

'Hiya darling.' 

'Hello,' I said giving him a smile holding out my arms for a hug. He came and flopped on top of me, giving me a hug. Nuzzling his face into my chest. 

'What's wrong?' He mumbled into me. 

'What do you mean? Nothing's wrong,' I lied. He pulled himself off my and sat in front of me. Staring into my soul with his chocolate eyes. 

'Darling whats wrong? And don't tell me it's allergies like you did the other day. I can see you've been crying. Your eyes are red and puffy.' 

'Honestly Tom. It's fine.' 

'Please tell what wrong. Maybe I can help.' I looked at him and tears began forming in my eyes again. Slowly falling down my face again. 

'I'm not good enough for you Tom.' He looked at me slightly confused. 

'Why would you say that?' He questioned as he wiped away my tears. 

I reached for my phone and began pulling up comments and news stories. I handed him my phone. He began scrolling through. 

'Like everyone's saying Tom. You shouldn't be with me. You should be with someone else. I'm not good enough for you.' 

He set my phone down and looked at me. I could see the heart break in his eyes. He hated seeing me like this. He hated that I thought I was not enough. 

'Why.. Why are you reading these. They're just jealous fans.' 

'How can I not Tom. They're everywhere. I try not to let it affect me, but it's hard.  Even the news stories. Saying you should be with Zendaya.' 

'Well they're all wrong.' 

'Maybe... Maybe you should be with her Tom.' 

'What do you mean?' 

'Well like the stories said. She's better than me. In every way. She famous. She could help your career. She has everything I don't.' I looked down at the floor and wiped away my tears. I felt Tom's hand guide my face to look back up at his. 

'Why would I want her when I have you. Your gorgeous. Kind. Caring. You make me laugh like no one else. Make me happier than I've ever been. Your my everything. Why would I need her when I have you.' 

'You mean that?' I questioned. 

'Of course I do. Princess. I love you. Your perfect. Please. Please don't doubt yourself.' 

'I'll try,' I sniffled giving him a weak smile. 

'Don't read anymore of these either. It's not worth it.' 

I nodded at him. I knew he was right. There was no point trying to seek validation from people in the internet. Not when I had everything in front me. 

'I love you Tommy.' 

'I love you too princess.' 

He leaned forward and kissed me. He could solve all my problems. He pulled away and smiled. 

'Can we take a nap though. I'm tired after work.' I laughed and nodded. He laid down beside me and pulled me into his chest. Wrapping his arms around me. Playing with my hair. I sighed in content slowly falling asleep. All of my problems slipping away.  


Sorry this one is shorter and not as good. I've been busy with online school, but I really wanted to write something :)  

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