A Forever Family

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You can pinpoint the moment that your life changes forever. When things start falling into place. For me it was the moment I met Tom. The day my life changed forever. 10 years and a whole lot of memories later I couldn't be happier. 


'Yes sweetheart' I smiled. 

Amelia was our first born . She's now 7. 

'When is Louis going back?' she questioned.  

Louis. The new addition to our family. I gave birth to Louis a week ago. It's taken Amelia some getting used to. She was still young when our 5 year old Isla was born. So we didn't have this problem. She was feeling a bit left out. Most of Tom's and I's time was spent looking after the baby. We tried our hardest but I knew it would be hard with a new baby and two other children. 

'He's your brother daring. He's not going back,' I laughed lightly. 

She scrunched her face in slight confusion . 

'Look come sit next to me.' 

She climbed onto the sofa next to me. 

'Do you want to hold him?' 

She nodded and I gently transferred him into her arms. Making sure his head was still supported. She looked up and smiled at me making my heart melt. 

'Can we keep him mummy?' 

I chuckled at her. 'Yes darling. He's staying with us forever.' 

She kissed the top of his head and beamed down at him. At this moment nothing was more perfect. Tom walked into the room smiling and at us. 

'My two favourite girls.' 

Amelia looked up at him and smiled. 

'What about me daddy,' the 5 year old cried running through the door. 

'Am I not your favourite,' she pouted. 

That pout got Tom every time. At 5 years old Isla already had Tom wrapped around her finger. She knew just what to do to make him melt. It was adorable to watch. I loved the bond he had made with both our daughters and I couldn't wait to see him grow one with our son. 

'Well of course you are my little monkey,' he laughed picking her up throwing her in the air to catch her again. Her giggles filled the room. 

'I want to play too,' Amelia whined. 

I carefully took Louis off her and she jumped down off the sofa to go play with Tom. I sat watched them play with Tom. They were using him as a human climbing frame. Their laughs and giggled filled the air. No sound made me happier than hearing my children be happy.

I took my phone out and started to video the moment. Capturing it in time. Everyone always says say grow up too fast. I can still remember the day Amelia was born. It felt like it was only yesterday.


Come on darling almost there. Just a little longer.' 

I threw my head back in exhaustion. Sweat poring off of me. '

I can't Tom. It's too hard. I'm to tired,' I cried. 

He held my hand a little tighter giving it a squeeze. '

I know darling. But a few more moments and the pain is over.' 

I nodded at him. '

Ok one more push,' the doctor spoke. 

I gave it everything I had. Knowing it would be over soon and it would all be worth it. A few moments later I heard a cry. The doctor placed the baby on my chest. Tears were streaming down my face. My little baby was finally here. '

Shhh darling it's ok,' I cooed trying to calm the baby. 

I looked up to Tom who had tears in his eyes. '

She's perfect,' he whispered. 'I'm so proud of you darling,' he muttered kissing my temple. 

We were both were beaming down at the baby. He put his hand out to stroke the baby. She grabbed onto his thumb with her whole hand. It was the precious thing I had ever seen. I looked up at Tom who was now crying. He smiled down at me. '

Do we have a name for this little baby girl?' the doctor questioned and Tom nodded at me. 

'We do,' I smiled. 'Amelia Holland.' '

I'm going to take a photo for you guys,' the mid-wife chuckled. 'I've never seen a family look happier.'

I still have that photo framed 7 years later. It's on my dresser. Every time I look at it I can't help but smile. 

Louis gave out a little yawn and closed his eyes going back to sleep. He already looked so much like Tom and I couldn't be happier at that fact. All of our children got the best parts of Tom. 

Tom was the best dad. He made the decision to slow down his acting career when he found out I was pregnant the first time. He wanted to be there for every moment. 

The first time the baby kicked, the birth, first word, first time they started walking. It made me so happy how devoted he was to his family. Trying to to be away from us for to long. He was the perfect father in everyway. He loved his family more than anything in the world. 

Even when he did have to be away for long periods of time his family always helped out. I didn't really have a lot to do with my family. So it was nice to be excepted into Tom's. 

Nikki and Dom taking me in as one of their own. Harry, Sam and Paddy were like my annoying little brother. I'd found a family that loved me for me. Something that couldn't be said about my own family. I'd found my forever family. Now complete with our three children. The day I met Tom he had given me everything I'd ever needed and it may have taken me 10 years to realise that. But being with Tom was the best decision I'd ever made.

A/N: Sorry I know this one is a bit shorter than all of my other imagines. But I kind of like it and didn't want to make it too long.

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