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Alexandra rushed to the Room, a smile spread across her face as she held her exam scores in her hand. It was their last day at Hogwarts and, though it was bittersweet, she was thrilled to see what awaited her.

"Guess whose brilliant girlfriend got perfect marks on her exams," Alexandra bragged, skipping up to Tom. Tom smiled.

"Did you ever doubt you would?"

"I'm just happy this is all over, and that you and I can enjoy our final hours as Hogwarts students together," Alexandra stated, placing her arms on Tom's shoulders so they hung loosely around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "I've decided I want to teach."

"What prompted this decision?" Tom asked, admiring the girl in front of him.

"You," Alexandra smiled. "I'll never forget the look on your face when you produced your Patronus for the first time."

"Do you want to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, then?"

"No, silly, that position is reserved for you," Alexandra told him, knowing very well DADA was meant for him. "I was thinking Charms."

"I can't think of anyone more perfect for the job," Tom smiled. Alexandra chuckled at his flattery, kissing him with a smile on her face. Her smile faltered for a short moment before she pulled away.

"The night of graduation I think I'm going to go to my aunt's," Alexandra lied. "Part of me is hoping she hasn't thrown away all of my belongings by now."

"Would you like me to come with you?" Tom offered. Alexandra shook her head.

"I'll be alright. I'll make sure I'm home at a reasonable time, though, for our first night in the cottage," she told him, biting her lip.

"I look forward to it," Tom smirked before kissing her again. They pulled away from each other, startled by a sudden thud that confused them both.

"What could that have-" Alexandra started, her question being answered as a letter slid through a small opening underneath where the door would be. Alexandra ran over to the letter, quickly opening it to see who it could be from.

"Who else could possibly know of this place?" Tom asked, not knowing Alexandra had taken Melissa here. Still, Melissa wasn't the one who sent the letter.

"Take a wild guess," Alexandra stated, looking up at Tom who already looked annoyed.

"Of course," Tom scoffed, walking over to her and reading the letter over her shoulder. Within a few moments, Tom and Alexandra went from standing in the Room to sitting in Dippet's office with Dumbledore at his side.

"I take it you two have received your examination results," Dippet began with a smile on his face.

"Yes, sir," Tom and Alexandra responded at the same time.

"Well, I'm sure it's no surprise to you both, but with these results you two officially hold the highest marks in your year. In fact, you two hold the highest marks I've seen in my time as Headmaster," Dippet grinned, pulling two items out of his desk drawer. "With that being said, I'm happy to reward you each with a Medal for Magical Merit. Congratulations."

"Thank you, Headmaster, it is an honor," Tom smiled, shaking the man's hand.

"Yes, thank you," Alexandra smiled widely, shaking his hand after Tom.

"That's not all," Dippet continued, standing from his seat. "You two will be the first students to know that I will be stepping down from my position as Headmaster after this year. Replacing me will be no other than Professor Dumbledore."

"Of course," Tom mumbled to himself, causing Alexandra to kick him in the shin. "We're sad to see you go."

"With my departure comes a personal guarantee for you both that Dumbledore has already happily agreed to," Dippet began. "Five years from now, if either of you decide a position here at Hogwarts is what you desire, one will be waiting for you."

"Why five years?" Alexandra asked.

"There's a world outside of this castle full of knowledge and experiences that will help you to grow and discover parts of yourself you may never find stuck within these walls," Dippet explained. "If the world still guides you this way, you will be welcomed with open arms. If not, then I truly wish you both the best in all of your future endeavors."

"Thank you, sir," Alexandra smiled, shaking hands with Dippet once again before turning to Dumbledore who had that same twinkle in his eye he always did.

"Between you and me, you achieved higher marks than your counterpart," Dumbledore whispered, winking at her before Tom took her place. Alexandra grinned, feeling a sense of pride that almost made her feel guilty. Almost.

Alexandra spent the rest of the evening full of joy from both her accomplishments and excitement for the future, her flame only being put out when she remembered her arrangements for directly after graduation.

"You've got the address for when you return?" Tom asked, making sure Alexandra had everything she needed for her trip to her aunt's.

"Yes," she smiled, kissing him lightly. "I'll see you in a few hours."

She watched as Tom apparated out of Platform 9 3/4, immediately searching for Melissa when she was sure he was gone.

"I still think this is an awful idea," Melissa frowned, taking Alexandra's hand and apparating to her house. "Your dress is the blue one."

"Thank you," Alexandra sighed, quickly changing into the dress Melissa so kindly provided for her. "I want to get in and out of there as soon as possible."

"What exactly is your plan?"

"Honestly? I have no idea," Alexandra frowned, wishing she had taken more time to think this through. "I'm hoping it just plays out in a way that gets Tom and Avery out of whatever it is they've gotten themselves into."

"Do you really think this will help them?" Melissa asked hopefully, her heart dropping when Alexandra couldn't give her an answer. For all they know, this night could only end up hurting them. There's only one way to find out.

"Let's go."

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