t h i r t y f o u r

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It was Sunday, which meant Lestrange was holding one of his meetings. Although she wasn't supposed to, Alexandra knew this. She also knew that many of the boys, excluding Tom who had duty Sunday nights being Head Boy, would return to their dormitories around midnight, with Lestrange sneaking in around an hour later. She took advantage of this knowledge as well as the fact that she was unable to sleep, and made her way to the common room fireplace just before Lestrange was expected to return.

"What are you still doing awake? Don't you have an exam in the morning?" Lestrange asked, entering the common room and watching Alexandra stare blankly at the fireplace in front of her as she laid curled up in a blanket on the couch.

"I should ask you the same question," Alexandra responded quietly. "I can't sleep, and my brain will begin to melt if I study anymore."

"Perhaps you'd like some company," Lestrange offered. "I've been told I can be quite boring. Maybe I can put you to sleep."

"Sure," Alexandra agreed, keeping her eyes on the fire but smiling to herself. "Have you spoken to Tom recently?"

"I spoke to him today, yes," he admitted, sitting on the couch beside her.

"Has he been acting strange to you?"

"Perhaps, but I wouldn't say he's been acting out of character. Always putting his personal goals over those of others," Lestrange explained.

"I don't think he loves me as much as he used to," Alexandra lied, hoping that making the conversation personal would make Lestrange believe she trusted him. "We're drifting apart and I don't know what to do. If I feel this way now because of exams I don't want to imagine how I'll feel when we're out in the real world and he's got a career to give all of his attention to."

"He hasn't got his priorities straight, then," Lestrange stated. "When you love someone, your world shouldn't continue to revolve around yourself alone."

"Have you ever been in love?" Alexandra asked, looking at him. He chuckled lightly, looking down at the floor for a moment before looking at her again.

"I'm not sure," he admitted.

"You talk as if you have been," Alexandra smiled. "Or at least want to be."

"Perhaps. Or perhaps I just know what it's like to care for someone other than myself."

"Tom cares. I know he does."

"Well, he has a funny way of showing it."

"So do you," Alexandra stated. Lestrange raised an eyebrow, but Alexandra knew he knew exactly what she was talking about. "The book? I can't think of one selfish reason for why you want me to read the book, and that's very out of character for you."

"Maybe I just want to bother Tom," Lestrange argued.

"You can't bother him if he doesn't know what you're doing."

"Smart girl," Lestrange smiled, sitting back in his seat. "My parents are hosting a party, similar to a ball of sorts, the night of graduation to celebrate. I hope you'll be attending. Alone, of course."

"You mean without Tom?"


Alexandra took a moment to make it look as if she were thinking, quietly celebrating the fact that she's got Lestrange right where she needed him to be. "Tom won't know?"

"Not unless you tell him," Lestrange told her, standing up once he noticed the time. "I'll let you sleep on it. I'd wish you luck on your exams, but you don't need it."

Alexandra smiled, looking at the clock as she heard Lestrange run upstairs. By now, Tom should be done with his final rounds and should be entering the common room any second now.

"What are you doing awake?" Tom asked, noticing Alexandra as soon as he walked in.

"I was waiting for you," she admitted, walking over to him and keeping her voice low. "I wanted to apologize for my attitude this afternoon. I know you mean well, I just let my worries get the best of me."

"You have nothing to be worried about," Tom assured. "But there is something I need to discuss with you."

"Yes?" Alexandra asked, her heart racing.

"Do you know those cottages we always pass by in Hogsmeade?"

"Of course," she smiled, relaxing.

"How would like to live in one?"

Alexandra's smile grew wider, butterflies filling her stomach as she did a little jump in place. "I would love to."

"I'm glad you said that," he smiled, pulling something out of his pocket and holding it in front of him. "Because I've already bought one."

"You're joking," Alexandra gasped, looking at the pair of keys in his hand. "How? When?"

"I was left a generous amount of money after my father's death that I used to purchase the cottage during the Hogsmeade trip last weekend while you stayed in to study," Tom explained. "I was going to surprise you after graduation, but now seemed like a better time."

"I can't believe this is all happening. Two weeks from now our lives are going to be completely different," Alexandra smiled. "Only now it doesn't feel so scary."

"You need to get some sleep," Tom told her, handing her the blanket she had left on the couch. "We'll discuss this more after exams. You need to do your best."

"Not better than you, though," she joked.

"If your best is better than me, that's something I can deal with," Tom told her.


"No, but I'll get over it eventually," he stated, causing Alexandra to laugh.

"I'll see you in the morning," she smiled, kissing Tom quickly before going up to bed. Tom smiled himself as he watched her retreat, squeezing the keys in his hand before following her lead and making his way up to bed as well.

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