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"Avery and your friend Burbank seem to be getting along rather nicely," Tom stated, looking disgusted as he watched them flirt across the common room.

"It's nasty," Alexandra added, dipping her quill in ink and continuing her essay. "But it could be worse."

Tom felt slightly offended, watching Alexandra continue her business without paying the slightest attention to him as he spoke to her. It was ironic, to say the least.

"What could you possibly be doing that's so important? You're obviously not studying for your O.W.Ls," Tom asked. Alexandra chuckled.

"What, are you jealous I'm paying more attention to this piece of parchment than I am to you?" She joked. "It's just something Dumbledore's asked me to do."

"I thought you didn't trust him," Tom asked, eagerly waiting for her to turn her attention away from her writing.

"I don't," Alexandra sighed. "But Melissa believes he can help me, and I have to prove to her that trust her judgement."

"I hope you're choosing the information you provide to him very carefully," Tom warned, moving so he was sitting next to her.

"I'm not an idiot," Alexandra scoffed, finally placing her quill down but not yet looking at Tom. "He gave me a list of specific memories, and asked me to write down as much details as I could possibly remember about each one."

Tom pulled the parchment away from Alexandra, finally gaining her attention as he read through her writing.

"First time on the train. First Hogwarts feast. First Hogwarts class... this is wrong," Tom explained, handing her parchment back. Alexandra fell back in her chair. "Our first class was potions, not herbology. We discussed the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane. In fact, you knew the answer before we even opened our textbooks."

"I don't understand why this is so difficult for me," Alexandra huffed. Tom almost felt guilty for correcting her mistake, although he knew it was necessary that her memories were corrected.

"It's a silly mistake, anyone could make it. You still remembered the topics covered during herbology class correctly, so it's not too concerning. I do suggest you rewrite that, though, if you're planning on turning it in to Dumbledore."

"I haven't got anymore time for his ridiculous games," Alexandra frowned, folding up the parchment and shoving it angrily in her bag. "O.W.Ls begin next week and, unlike you, I've actually got to put some work in if I want to achieve high marks."

"Library?" Tom asked, watching her stand up. She shook her head.

"I'm going somewhere with a lot less people, and a lot more glass to break if I become frustrated," Alexandra explained, not saying goodbye before rushing out of the common room.

"It's highly unnecessary to walk that quickly," Tom's voice echoed behind her. She stopped in her tracks, turning to him. "One shouldn't break glass unattended. You'll surely cut yourself."

"You're allowed to admit you enjoy company," Alexandra smirked. Tom raised an eyebrow.

"If I enjoyed company, I would have stayed in the common room."

"You could have gone to your room, or to wherever it is you go on your free time, yet you insist on joining me in the Room of Requirement."

"Fine, I enjoy certain company. In particular, the company of people I-"

"Like?" Alexandra teased, knowing he didn't enjoy using that word.

"I don't recall saying I like you," Tom fought. Alexandra crossed her arms.

"Why are you making this so difficult?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he stated, walking quickly ahead as if to mock her.

"Right," Alexandra smiled, jogging to catch up with him and grabbing his arm to slow him down. "Point taken."

Alexandra quickly took her hand off of his arm when it felt as if she was being shocked once again. Tom rubbed his arm having had the same feeling, but neither of them brought it up. Instead, they walked the rest of the way to the Room in silence.

A week went by, each day spent in the Room of Requirement as both Tom and Alexandra restlessly prepared for their O.W.Ls. Well, Alexandra more so than Tom. On numerous occasions, Tom would leave the Room after curfew, either returning later that night or before classes the following morning. He gave no explanation, and was thankful that Alexandra didn't ask questions.

"Who is Draco?" Tom asked, skimming through Alexandra's journal.

"I don't think it's a who. Draco is a constellation. It means dragon. I figured it's related to our school motto," Alexandra shrugged, continuing to skim through her Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook. She obviously didn't want to discuss the matter which only further intrigued Tom.

"Yes, but the way you wrote it is rather odd," Tom explained, examining the specific curvature of each individual letter. The word was written much more elegantly than any other word in the journal, as if she purposely focused on the detail. "This word means something to you."

"I was bored, so I spent some extra time writing it. It really isn't a big deal," Alexandra argued, grabbing her journal out of his hands. She began to get defensive, not wanting him to know he was right. Alexandra also figured the word meant something to her, seeing as she heard it during the process of casting her patronus earlier that day. "I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from questioning every move I make and let me study."

"You're lying," Tom pointing out, noticing her mood had significantly dropped. Her features fell, her skin seemed paler, she drooped in her seat, and it looked as if she was about to cry.

"You're horrible," Alexandra stated angrily, collecting her things and rushing out of the room. She didn't make it far, not even leaving the corridor before bursting into tears. What made it so much worse is that she didn't know why.

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