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Alexandra laid awake in her bed late one night, her head heavy and heart hollow but not knowing why that could be. Slowly, she got out of her bed and made her way to the common room fireplace with a blanket around her shoulders hoping that company would make her feel better.

She saw Tom reading on the couch, his legs crossed, his elbow perched on the couch arm and his head resting on his fingers as he sat, focused on the book in his lap. Alexandra sighed, sitting down next to him and making herself comfortable when he didn't protest.

"You're rather quiet this evening," Tom pointed out, turning the page with almost exaggerated care. His fingertips barely touched the page as if he was afraid it would fall apart with the slightest force.

"I didn't want to interrupt you," Alexandra explained, tightening the blanket around her. He kept his eyes on the book.

With Tom's memories of Alexandra's life in 1996 went the memories of his discovery and any action taken thereafter. Specifically, he had no recollection of their interaction only days ago in the Room of Prophecies. He did, however, remember researching love potions with Alexandra and the time they spent supposedly under it's influence, but not the true reasons why. He remembered the time they spent in the Room of Prophecies, but not why the room appeared or what he had seen within it. The same went for Alexandra, as well as her friends in 1996. Each memory surrounding every word Alexandra spoke and every step Alexandra took was either erased or altered in order to adhere to the new timeline. Not even the worst form or torture could resurface what once was.

Alexandra hesitated for a moment before slowly resting her head on Tom's shoulder, skimming through the pages of what he was reading. Tom didn't flinch, continuing to read as he allowed Alexandra to relax, much to her surprise.

As she felt herself becoming tired, she decided to change her position so she didn't fall asleep on Tom. Besides, his shoulder was beginning to hurt her cheek.

"You're sleeping down here?" Tom asked, noticing Alexandra beginning to nod off. "These couches aren't exactly comfortable."

"Parkinson snores like a bloody giant. Drives me mad," Alexandra huffed. "I suppose I can go to the Room of Requirement. I'm sure it will recognize I'm in desperate need of sleep and give me a bed."

"You'll surely get caught," Tom argued.

"Then I'll stay-" Alexandra started, being quickly interrupted.

"I'll escort you," Tom insisted, closing his book. "I know my way around the castle, and my status as prefect can get you out of unnecessary trouble."

Alexandra was going to protest, but she was exhausted. A bed and silence have both been proven to help her sleep before, so she was happy to embrace them.

"Let's go then," she smiled lightly, holding on to her blanket as she waited for Tom to lead the way. He brought his book with him, intending to keep her company for more reasons than one. Alexandra noticed he wasn't eager to leave, and became curious. "Are you staying?"

"I thought I'd keep you company until you fell asleep," Tom stated, clearing his throat. "If you'd prefer I leave-"

"I don't mind," Alexandra smiled lightly, climbing into the wonderfully large and comfortable bed the Room had provided her with. "I'd appreciate the company, honestly. I've been feeling rather strange lately, and being alone doesn't exactly help."

"Strange?" Tom asked, curious to know if she was feeling the same as him.

"I just feel empty, I suppose. I just can't quite figure out why that could be," Alexandra explained. "It's almost like-"

"Something's missing?" Tom answered. Alexandra slowly nodded.

"And it's much worse when I'm alone," she continued. "I'm sure you've got better things to do, though. You haven't got to worry about me."

As much as Tom was reluctant to admit it, he equally craved her company. He was also feeling mentally strained, so much so that it has distracted him from his work. Her company, however, was the one thing that seemed to make sense in the moment.

"You're a nightmare when you don't get your sleep," Tom stated bluntly, taking a seat on a small armchair. "I'd rather spend my evening here than spend my morning listening to you whine and complain."

"Well, I was going to offer you the other side of this bed, but that witty insult of yours restricted you to that tiny chair," Alexandra huffed. Tom chuckled lightly, shaking his head as he watched her turn away from him and put her blanket over her head.

Alexandra thought that, with Tom's company, she would finally be able to sleep peacefully. She was soon proven to be wrong. She had just fallen asleep, her vision completely black as she heard a familiar voice echo in her head.

"You mean absolutely nothing to me, don't you understand? Nothing!"

Alexandra shot up, panting heavily as she looked around the room. Her eyes landed on Tom, asleep on the chair. He seemed peaceful, unlike the version of him she just experienced. She'd never seen or heard him in such a way; so angry and desperate. He's been friendly towards her for as long as she could remember knowing him, other than a few rude comments here and there, so imagining him act that way towards her was almost painful. What scared her, though, was that it felt so real; as if he's said that to her before and she was reliving it rather than dreaming it.

She sighed, falling back onto her pillow and bringing her hands to her head.

"What's happening to me?"

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