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"I NEED SOME HELP, COME TO MY ROOM AS SOON AS YOU CAN!" I yelled and later i heard a footstep coming closer to my room

"What is it" he asked

"So, I don't know how to say this but since you always lookin' hella good even if you just woke up, I need you to--"

"Wa-wa-wait, are you asking me to dressed you up? Put some make up on your face?" He asked curiously

What the fu...

"Here, touch this" I said guiding his hand to my trousers, he instantly stopped right in front of it!

"Do you want me to touch your dick?! Your freaking dick?!" He shouts-whispered to me

"Now you realise i'm a man okay?! A hundred percent a man! And a man doesn't need a freaking make up, dudeee!" I said to him, wow, literally face -palming

"I bet it's a small dick" he muttered under his breath

Did you really think I didn't heard that?!

"What did you said?" I asked him, knowing the answer

"I said what do you need?" He lied. He lieddd! He freaking lied to me! What a big, fat, LIAR

"I need some advice" I asked smiling changing the topic... Later he burst in laugh

"A man... Need an advice! How 'manly' " he said still laughing, this would be his reaction :'D

God damn it...

But he got a point, man

Shut it!

"Stop it, will you!" I said kind of pissed off

"Okay okay! I will" he said still laughing, even a bit

"Now, there is this girl--"

"Are you going on a date?" Zayn asked

"Well, I guess" I said rubbing my hair

"With that girl?"

"Uh yeah" I said.. "I mean not that kind of date, she just want to repay me becau--"

"Wait, you. Niall Horan, going to a date?" Zayn asked in disbelief.


"Stop it! And yes! Why? Is that a problem?" I asked back

This dude really getting on my nerves, on my freaking nerves!

"Okay okay! I will, and what advice?" He said smirking

"I need you to tell me how to looking good in front of her" I said giving double smile to him, just like this


"You kidding me, right?" He asked in disbelief. Why would I?

"Of course no, why would I?" I asnwered him

"You fucking kidding me?!" He replied still in disbelief

What is wrong with him?

"You will help or nah?!" I replied, kinda pissed off

"Kay, okay I will. Geez, no need to be mad"


"Do I look good?"

"Yes. Of course you do, where are you going anyway?" Asked Louis.

"To a Nandos" I answered him, always giving a double smile

"Oh okay! Bye!" He said and I wave my hands and close the door

« Louis »

I really. Can't. What. The. Hell

"Do you see him?" I asked Liam, I'm pretty sure he knows what I mean

"Yeah I see it? Why the heck did he use that hat, he's just going to a nandos, right?" He answered, literally also can't believe what he just saw

"And more, he used a black hat. A freaking hat with a freaking black colour! I thought he was going to a funeral!" I replied with my hands in my face

"I know! A black hat! And my thought is weirder than you technically" he said shrugging his back

"What is it?" I asked him curiously

"I thought he will sing some Spanish song in a bus stop asking for money" he said chuckling


"You know exactly he's an Irish right?" I asked him still chuckling

"I freaking know, and he be like Arrribbbaaa!" He said and trust me...

I'm laughing my ass of. Oh Niall, what were you thinkin?

« Swapping back »

And here I am, in places where I belong. with my girl...

I'm just kidding!

Waiting for my arrivals.

Lol, wtf.

Should I order something or waiting for her?

Nah I think it's better to eat together than alone

Okay, I should sit somewher-- AHA! Finally an empty seat, better, there's 2 chair in there, I better sit in there so no one will took the seat

10 minutes
Where is she?

12 minutes
Okay, I'm getting irritated

15 minutes
What took her so long?

I looked around the place, hoping she would find me, or the opposite but there is no sign, huft...

I checked my watch, 10.40 am, she said that she'd be here by ten. Is she lying to me? But why would she?

I looked around the place, again, seeing everybody's eating, laughing, chatting, more eating. Geez.

You know, I haven't ate my breakfast so I could spend some time with her, in this restaurant, I thought she's worth waiting

But I think she is

Okay, I'll just wait for another few minutes...


"Sir, sir!" Said someone, probably the waitress

"Yes?" I said, stop playing Haunt The Hause game, it's pretty easy, you just have to haunt everyone, scared them out, or make them die. Finish.

"I'm sorry this place getting full every single minute, and you haven't order a single thing. Everyone's tired of finding an empty seat so they have to wait until the person finish their food. I'm sorry, sir" he said. I really didn't believe him so I looked around

And wow yes, he's right, this place is so full of kids, and adults

How long I've been waiting?

12.11 am, holy fuck

"Okay, okay i'm sorry, i'll go, thanks for informing me" I said holding my tears

She's actually not showing up, she make me wait for her 3 hours and more, she make me starving like really starving, she make me skip my breakfast, she make me wear a "lookin good outfit" for nothing.

Yeah, there is no reason to cry...

To Be Continued »»»

A/N: poor nialler , bet you didn't expect that huh! :D

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