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"No shit"

"Language! There's a kid in here Har!" I smirked at him knowing he cannot do anything about it

"Whatever" He said rolling his eyes.

And yes. They freaked out. Mostly Harry because he keep saying that he isn't prepared for france. He said that maybe he bumped into some hot french chick but he can't say shits because he isn't prepared for it.

"Dude chill, you can use Google Translate" Liam suggest from a far. Harry raised his eyebrow to Liam and said "What do you expect? Me translating sup pretty things? Heck no"

"Gee. Get a interpreter" Zayn said from the back while setting a seatbelt.

Have I told you we're already on a plane? And me, being the most miserable person in the world. Have to sit with the one and only Harry. Don't mind me but he's so freaking annoying when it comes to an airplane.

Besides us, there's sitting Carol and Jaxon. They both already sleeping. Behind them are Louis and Liam. Kinda nice paired. And behind us (Harry and I) are Zayn sitting with some unknown girl. She got a quite amazing pink hair I must say

And you know the most annoying thing? Zayn and that girl are flirting like wow.

And Harry keep talking about some french chick. Why I couldn't get a moment of silence?

"You know what, Zayn's right. I should get an interpreter. The hot one" He said while his eyes are closing. Probably wondering how she will look like

"No. And that's a final" I said to them in a serious tone. After that I used my phone for searching a couple words that Harry could use.


"Parlez vous anglais?"


"Parlez vouse anglais?, it means do you speak English?"

"No dumbass, I don't speak English. I speak Javanese" He said sarcastically.

I.Am.Trying.To.Make.Him.Learn.Some.Words.Why.Wouldn't.He.Get.Along.With.It. God damnit

"Harry. You said that you know nothing about French language, so i'm here trying to give you some words to learn" I give him the fakest smile I ever use

"Oh... Okay, continue" He said showing his dimples. Wish I could smack his little ass and hoping he'll showing his freaking dimples and say 'oh okay, continue'

Oh. Kinky ;)

No. What the fuck am I thinking.

"Oui for yes. No for no" I said again to him and he started to write down something on his phone. Probably my words.

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