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The next day is totally awkward. We're having a breakfast with none of us is brave enough to spoke up. Everyone is busy doing what they all do. Zayn, I don't know. He's probably sleeping or something. Louis, who give me a death glare since I woke up he's now watching some movie. Liam, he's probably on his room, and Harry, I don't know. He's been out since after breakfast.

I guess i'm grounded, right? Fine. I can go throught a day without Carol.



After a couple minutes she replied.

Carol: Woah, woah. Hold on there, boy. Why are you grounded?

Should I tell her i'm grounded because i've been with you lately and my mate doesn't seem like it?


Me: mmm... Just grounded, no reason.

Stupid me, of course she'll get suspicious!

Carol: Is it because of me? Because you've been spending a lot of your time with me than your mate?

Me: Nah...

Carol: Niall, where do you live?

Is she asking for my address? If she is. Then she's changing the topic.

Me: It is in Edinburgh, why though? You want to kill me?

Carol: Any specification?

Me: It's a huge flat, with white gray-ish walls, has a big backyard. It's all green...

Carol: Green?

Me: Yeah. I mean it has a lot of trees like oak sapling, acacia sapling, even a birch sapling. Also fern and peony.

Carol: Peony's colour is pink violet-ish .-.

Me: at least it's a plant........

She didn't reply me at this point so I decided to take a shower since I haven't take one.


After I'm done taking a shower, I'll decided to do a movie-marathon because there is nothing to do in here besides eating, or talking to her...

Wait, eating. I haven't do that in a long period... I mean yeah of course I eat, but it's been a long time since I eat a lot. Soo... It's kinda a perfect timing.

I opened the fridge and saw a couple frozen pizza, ice cream, cheese, milk, and a lot of raw foods. I only taking the ice cream and milk because frozen pizza is kind of disgusting (but i'll eat it later anyway) and i'm not in the mood for cheese. Oh look! Popcorn, yay. This is going to be a long great day.

First movie, The Book Thief, here we go...

One hour later

It's a great movie so far but I got an urge to check my phone. So I turned off the TV and went to my room to take my phone.

No missed call, One message received, It must be from Carol...

Carol: Do me a huge favour?

That's all she said. Should I reply it? I mean the text was sent about 15 minutes ago? Huh I guess I better be

Me: Mm. Sure what is it?

I send it while I turn the TV back on. Luckily, I didn't miss that much. That Rudy boy is so lucky to have her.


Carol: Open your front door (:

What the f? Is she pranking? No, no. She isn't.

Me: Why?

In about 2 minutes she replied with 'Just open it'. Should I open the door? I mean what if there is no one in there? I would miss a lot of things that's going on on the movie. Besides, the ice cream will melted (I mean it is already melted but the taste won't be so delicious anymore)

Me: Tell me whyyy...

I said to her with whinning expression written on my face. Gosh, god damnit, why girls are so hard to tell the truth? Where is everybody though... I haven't see any of them since this morning

"Liam!!!" I yelled across the room, in about 2 seconds, he replied with a long 'Whaat'. Good, it means he still alive

"Zaynnn!" I yelled again, no reply though. But later he is in front of me?

"Yeah, what do you need, Ni?" He asked kindly, with a smile. I was hoping he would just answer but wow, he's approaching me. Friend goals.

"Nah, nothing. Just to make sure everyone is in here" I replied with a smile

"Everyone is in here, Ni. Except Harry. He went to a grocery market this morning" He replied while taking a sip of water

"But he hasn't come back?" I replied, kinda worried. He is my friend after all

"I'm sure he'll be back. You know him" he said shrugging his shoulder

"I'm going back to the backyard okay, ya know getting tanned" he said with a smirk, yeah sure whatever

"Oh wait, wait. Is Louis in here room?" I asked him. Hoping he will say yes, of course.


"Is he still mad at me?"


"Will I be okay if I go to his room?"

"Absolutely. Wait, no." He said with confused face but then he says whatever you like and going away

This friendship needs to be fixed. So I decided to go to his room. Unlocked though

"Louis?" I said-whispered no answer. I start to wandering his room. Typical classic. Just like other boys' room. And then I start to look at the frame picture hanging on his wall

It is a picture of us. The five of us, together. With real smile. I wondered who take the pic because s(he) must be really happy with the object; us. I smiled. And then I heard a voice, definitely Louis voice

"What the fück are you doing in here?!" He asked me definitely furious

"You're invading my privacy! What kind of friend is that!" He snapped at me before I give him another explanation

"I just want to--"

"Get out. Get the fück out!" He said pushing me, then he closed the door. Right in front of my face.

Invading his privacy. I didn't intend to
Invading his privacy. I didn't meant to
Invading his privacy. I am not his friend

God damn it. Could this day get any worse?!
I decided to watch the movie back. It is near the ending. Geez, I missed a lot of things.

Harry: Ni, could you open the door. I bring some food

Wow, he texted me. I decided to open it

"And that's why you're not suppose to have a cat. Cause she give you nasty scar" said someone, definitely female, with Taylor Swift singing voice

"You're so funny, Carol" said... Harry.

And then I opened the door. Saw my crush with 'friend' is laughing together

First Louis, then the movie. Next friggin' Harry with a friggin' Carol

It means, God blessed me. He make my day got more worse.

Fücking hallelujah.

To Be Continued »»

A/N: I decided not to put any author's note (except the necessary one) from now on since no one will read it (:

My Life « n.h »Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon