"Yeah, see, there's this new girl on her hockey team who's really cool." Sofia blushed. "And, well, I need some help getting her attention, so I think it's best I finally explain to my best friend."

"Good idea." Camila kissed the top of her head and she groaned.

Camila watched Shawn step outside and followed him a moment later. Despite it being past New Year's, the weather wasn't too cold. She found him leaned back against the building, a joint in his hands as he scrolled on his phone.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey." He quickly put his phone in his pocket, smiling.

Camila knew he'd been checking his accounts. He was getting tons of followers ever since he started playing in bars around the city. Marlene's boost really helped, and Camila loved how proud he looked whenever he got messages online.

"How do you feel?" He dropped the end of the joint on the ground and stubbed it out with his sneaker, reaching for her hand.

"Like... I'm the luckiest girl in the world right now." She held his hand and rested her head against his shoulder.

"Believe me, I'm the lucky one."

They stood together, Camila brushing her fingers over his and getting lost in thought. These had been the happiest few weeks of her life so far, and the best part was that it didn't seem like it was slowing down anytime soon.

Shawn had been staying over at Camila's so often now that most of his stuff was at her condo. She didn't mind. It was great having a yoga partner every morning and coming home to cooked meals all the time, and she didn't even mind that he was a bit messy.

She tried to picture how the two of them must look right now to an outsider—her with too much hairspray in, stage makeup still caked in the corners of her eyes. Him, with his grease-stained apron on over his faded t-shirt.

Would anyone know, be able to guess how he was when they were alone? Of course, he was sweet and kind to her, but there was more. The way he'd teased her at the cabin was nothing compared to how he could really be.

Camila had never been with anyone who dominated her in bed the way he did, and she loved it. Most nights he had her screaming so loud that she was just glad the bedroom walls were thick.

She looked at him now, blushing at the thought of what he would do to her tonight. Shawn was focused on something else, watching his reflection in the restaurant window as he reached up and ran his fingers through his hair. 

Camila giggled, wondering why he made fun of Marlene for touching her hair when he did it just as much, if not more, than she did.

"You know what I was thinking?" Shawn said.


"I kinda miss when I was forbidden..."

"Seriously?" Her eyes widened and she laughed. "That was literally the worst!"

"But it was kinda hot!" He laughed, wrapping his arms around her, his mouth by her neck. "We kept flirting, even though we weren't supposed to... You kept staring at me when you thought I wasn't looking..."

Camila smiled, closing her eyes when she felt him kiss her neck. It was innocent, the way his hands were on her hips, but she didn't want it to be.

"Let's get out of here." She whispered.

"Are you sure? What about everyone else?"

"They won't even notice we're gone." Camila shrugged. "Trust me, Nick and Marlene aren't worrying about us right now. I'll see them tomorrow."

"Okay, if you're sure..."

"I am." She kissed him. "I just really wanna be alone with you right now."

Shawn smiled and grabbed her hand, leading to where his bike was parked. Camila sat behind him and wrapped her arms around his body, resting her cheek against his back.

"Have I told you lately how sexy this is?" She asked, raising her voice over the sound of the engine.

"Not in the last day or so!" He laughed.

"Well, it is!" She said. "I love it."

She waited until they were going fast, Camila feeling the rush of the wind and the hum of the engine in her chest, the perfect amount of masking noise to hide when she whispered.

"I love you."

They slowed down at a traffic light, the noise fading just enough. Shawn turned his head and Camila felt his eyes on her, practically heard his smile.

"I love you, too."

The End.


A/N: let me know what you thought! thank you so much for all the support!

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