Sing Me To Sleep

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It is finally lunch and I am starving like always. Food is constantly on my mind. I made myself a ham and coleslaw sandwich last night (just in case the cafeteria food is diabolical), although my sandwiches are a little soggy now which is rather disappointing. 

I walk with Ajax and his friend Marty (who begrudgingly moved for me in chemistry) who seems immune to the stares and giggles pointed our way. I don't get bumped into once with them as everyone seems to give us a wide birth. If I was on my own I am sure I would be invisible though. Marty doesn't seem to like me very much, probably because I'm not supermodel pretty, and hasn't even introduced himself to me, instead nattering on and on about some game he and Ajax play. 

The whole school seems to be Ajax's fan club, which is a little extreme and very strange. I can't help but notice everyone whispering, admiring and calling out his name, but he seems oblivious, apart from when he flashes a quick easy smile. Should I feel... privileged that he knows my name? He keeps talking and joking with me, ignoring Marty who is going an unattractive red colour. I think he has small man syndrome. As Ajax slings a heavy arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close to his body I go tense. You'd think we were best friends... or dating. 

Unsurprisingly I am also getting a lot of attention. Combined with being the new girl and Ajax's new friend I am receiving more judgement then I am used to. I try to relax into Ajax as I can't push him off, although it is hard with everyone's watchful, gossipy eyes. A group of girls standing by the red lockers look at me in disdain but I just smile back. I get the vibe that they don't like that I am the shiny new toy and centre of attention for the time being. I also hear my name fluttering around the air, but I try to ignore both the positive and negative words. I hope it settles down soon and I can blend into the cream walls littered with posters. 

"Why are you so tense?" Ajax laughs as I scurry along beside him. 

Because you keep pulling me in close to your warm body, and I don't want to start a rift between Kat and I or any more rumours. 

 "Just worried for our chemistry project. I don't want to do all the work on my own." I admit carelessly, feeling bad when his face falls. 

"You won't Lena... I work hard for my grades, we are a team." He insists with a frown, and his arm slips from my shoulders. That is what I wanted, so why do I feel so bad? 

"Yeah, I was just joking." I shrug as I feel my cheeks heat up. 

"Anyway guys..." Marty starts off snootily as we queue to be let into the canteen and fortunately arrive at just the right time as the teachers let us through. 

My eyes bounce across the bright canteen with windows in the roof and a large open door leading outside. Countless amounts of students laughing and talking causing a loud hum of clattering noise are seated at the long grey canteen benches and small circle ones further on. On the left is the kitchen offering food with many people in the queues grabbing whatever they can get their hands on. 

My face lights up in a smile as I hear Maisie yell my name, at a surprisingly loud level considering she's quite small and quiet. I see her sat in the far corner next to Tiger with a spare seat in the middle, and a few guys around them looking my way. 

"Well thanks for walking me Ajax, I'll see you soon." I exclaim with an awkward smile as I stumble backwards, eager to get away from him. Being associated to him will only bring me trouble and rumours.

"Oh ok, bye."  He says but his smile doesn't quite reach his dark eyes. 

I spin around, nearly bumping into a young student with his eyes glued to his phone before hurrying to Tiger and Maisie. Maisie is sat at the table with a big grin on her face and is beckoning me forward with a flurried hand movement. She looks so happy to see me it warms my heart. 

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