Wedding Bells

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Well it is Thursday again which means I've got a date with the devil, and no I don't mean Ajax, I mean his sisters, both of them. They love me as much as I love them, making Thursday night my favourite of the week.

Apparently Giri's brother requires their garage tonight meaning the boys are practicing in Ajax's room. This has created a new problem as Nessie and Miya want to watch their brother, giggling at his very explicit instructions to keep out. I have to keep catching them and taking them back downstairs, which means the girls now view it as a game to try and breach Ajax's room, which is leading to a very tiring night for me. I can't be too firm with them as they aren't my kids, yet they are taking my calm instructions to stay downstairs as a joke. Can you tell I'm stressed? Up and down and up and down and up and down the stairs we have been, chasing the little rascals around and throwing them over my shoulder as they try to make a run for it.

I didn't know having kids could be such a workout.

On top of my unexpected cardio I am also nursing a headache from the banging music and the girls chattering, well, Miya's - Nessie is quite quiet and peaceful like a calm lake on a warm summers day compared to her monstrous wave of a sister. Snotty Ms Miller from down the road has already stopped by to drop a noise complaint. She gets sourer with each day that goes by. Of course I love the band and rock music, but there is only so much I can take, especially as Noah is practicing his solo over and over again and keeps making a mistake in the same place. My teeth are going to be grounded into stubs in a minute.

"Right you have to stay here Miya. Ajax won't be happy if you go in his room. I'll make you some warm milk." I sigh as I place Miya down on a dinning table chair as she pouts her pink lips adorably at me.

"Ajax is always happy to see me." She crosses her arms and pulls her dark eyebrows down into a frown.

"I know Miya, and you can see him in half an hour, he's just practicing his music at the moment." I insist as I turn my back to get the milk out of the fridge.

Suddenly the wooden chair scrapes against the laminate flooring, and Miya giggles as she flies out of the kitchen at an inhuman speed considering her tiny legs.

"No, Miya!" I exclaim and chase after her with a groan.

But she is just too quick for me, and screams excitedly as she storms up the stairs, proving she doesn't need me to carry her up every time, although I don't mind really. She's so cute.

"Miya!" I warn as I lumber up the stairs like a sedated giant, and her hands grab at the door handle.

She turns to give me a wicked grin before jumping out of my reach, pushing the door open and rushing in.

"What's going on?" Nessie asks from behind me, making me jump. She's as quiet as a mouse.

"Stay there Nessie, we'll be down in a minute." I sigh as I dawdle into the room, putting on my best motherly glare for Miya, who is now hiding behind Ajax's wide shoulders.

"What are you doing in here little miss?" He asks before attacking her stomach with tickles making her scream in delight.

"Hi Lena." Noah smiles, finally putting the guitar down. Thank goodness. Maybe I should be thanking Miya...

"Hey Noah, sorry for the interruption guys, she's too fast for me."

Ajax looks over his shoulder and grins, doing something funny to my stomach. I love watching him with his sisters. It's a sweet, chaotic, caring side not many others get to see.

Giri isn't here as apparently he's going to break things off with Grace. He said the same thing two nights ago, but here we are. He also can't lug his drum kit over, so they agreed he would sit this practice out. My temples are thanking that wise decision.

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