Picnic Crasher

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Ok... I look good today. I said it. I'm wearing black knee high boots over thick tights, a short pink skirt wrapping around the tops of my thighs, and a soft black jumper that hangs to my ass, which is rounded in this pearly skirt. Of course my outfit is covered by a chunky fur coat and scarf, but the thought is there. Ajax and I are going for a walk through the park with a pretty lake cutting through the middle of it. There is a food truck in the parking lot, so we can get some snacks and then go on the red-nose, face-tingling walk.

I smile as on que Tiger puts a message on the group chat saying something has come up and Noah and herself can no longer come, but suggests that Ajax and I still go. Ajax replies saying we can rearrange, but then I say 'I've just got ready' with a sad face, so he messages me privately to say we can go just the two of us. Nervous anticipation rushes through me. I hurry downstairs to check my makeup, and jump as Ajax knocks. I count to ten before answering the door.

"Hey!" I exclaim as I peer up at him grinning down at me.

"Hi, you ready?" He asks and I nod. "Hi buddy." Ajax waves, and I turn to see my brother observing the two of us at the top of the stairs. I smile at their interaction and wave goodbye before following him to his car. He opens the door for me as usual.

I rub my hands together as he starts the engine, but unfortunately his heater is broken at the moment so we have no way of warming up.

"You look beautiful today." He smiles before reversing out the space, making my heart flutter. My makeup took forty-five minutes, so I'm hoping I look better then usual.

We drive to the peaceful park in the centre of town, with a long line of shops running down one edge. The river known as Ivy Bank separates Ivywood from the next town across as a ribbon of living turquoise, boldly flowing amid the green of the grass. The trees reach into the sky like skyscrapers, hiding a garage from the playpark. Grey clouds roll through the sky obscuring the blue, and the wind darts through the trees making the branches dance. Ajax grabs his guitar case and a wicker basket from the back seat, before offering me his arm with a bright smile.

We stroll along the grass to the river bank, where Ajax suggests we eat.

"I made a picnic for us," he reveals with a nervous smile, making my heart flutter.

"All by yourself?" I giggle.

"Well, my mom helped." He chuckles in his deep voice as we pass by the playground we take Nessie and Miya too sometimes. Three kids are screaming as they are being chased around by their dad, their laughter bringing the bright playground colours to an ever more heart-warming hue.

"Well that is still very sweet. I'm impressed Ajax." I smile up at him, and feel myself fall a little deeper for him.

We pass an older couple walking their excitable dog that jumps up on me wagging his tail. I laugh and stroke his soft brown fur as the couple call 'Timmy' back to them, telling him to leave the young 'couple' alone. My cheeks turn red, but neither Ajax or I make a move to correct them. As we wander on the sun breaks through the clouds making me squint, and I turn to Ajax to shield my eyes, nearly tripping over the tufts of freshly cut grass as he looks so fine.

His warm-toned skin glows under the shimmering sun, and his dark eyes melt into the colour of pools of honey. Sharp angular features and swallow-tail eyes highlighted by the golden light make him shine like a God. My throat goes dry as I can't stop myself from admiring him. How did one person get to be blessed with such heart-stopping good looks?

His lips quirk up into a smirk and I quickly look away as he catches me staring wide-eyed. As we reach the grassy bank shielded by black iron fences, we claim a bench typical of parks, the rosy cedar browns married to the iron that curves into the great arms.

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